Pelvic presentation of the fetus - exercises

Having learned that deliveries with incorrect presentation often go through complications or by performing a cesarean section, many women begin to look for ways to correct pelvic presentation. If you approach this issue on time and with responsibility, there is a chance. One of the methods of prenatal change of pelvic presentation on the head is special gymnastics.

It is known that the type of presentation of the child is fully formed by the 34-36th week of pregnancy. Accordingly, if there is a pelvic presentation, from 29 weeks it is necessary to start corrective gymnastics, which will allow to correct such presentation without the intervention of the hands of an obstetrician. For today recognized and effekivnymi are considered complexes of exercises, which were developed by Grishchenko II, Dikan IF, Shuleshova AE, Bryukhina Ye.V. , Fomicheva V.V. etc. Exercises can be performed either independently or with a coach in the school of psychophysical training.

Yoga for pregnant women

It is proved that yoga will help the baby to take the right position even in late pregnancy.

The greatest effect can be achieved using inverted poses. You can perform a stand well, hands against the wall, various variations of birch trees, a rack on the head, a bridge and a half bridge. Naturally, if it allows you physical preparation, and you were engaged in yoga before pregnancy. Thus, you can force the baby to turn to the correct position.

Excellent exercises with pelvic presentation are the bridge and half bridge. They help the child to adopt a headache if you have a pelvic or transverse presentation. How and how much to perform such exercises is discussed with the doctor and the instructor and is selected depending on the state of your health and preparation.

For unprepared future mothers, it is better to start exercises with a half-bridge. To do this, you need to put under your waist a blanket or pillow. It is necessary to be in this position for about 15 minutes two or three times a day. Start with three minutes and increase to 15-20 within a week. In this variation, this exercise is within the power of any woman.

All static exercises, in particular inverted poses, should be performed before meals or not earlier than 3 hours after eating.

Gymnastics with pelvic presentation of the fetus

1. Accept the position where the legs are divorced to the width of the shoulders, hands are lowered. At the expense of times you need to raise your hands, so that they are turned by the palms to the sides. Stand on your toes, at the same time bending your back and inhale deeply. On two - we do an exhalation and we start in a starting position. Repeat 4 times.

2. For this exercise, you need to know exactly which side of the child's back is facing in the breech presentation.

  1. Lie on this side, if the breech presentation or on the opposite, if the transverse.
  2. Further we try to bend the legs in the knees and hip joints. So we lie, having relaxed about 5 minutes.
  3. Deeply inhale.
  4. We turn from the back to another barrel.
  5. So we rest for 5 minutes.
  6. We found a leg that is now on top.
  7. Straighten it with pelvic presentation. Straighten the leg, on which we lie - with the transverse.
  8. Leave the second leg bent.
  9. Deeply inhale.
  10. We bend the straightened leg in the knee and hip joints.
  11. We embrace the knee with our hands.
  12. We remove the knee in the side of the back with the pelvic or in the side of the buttocks with a transverse presentation.
  13. We follow the trunk. It must be tilted forward. Your bent leg should describe the semicircle inside and at the same time touch the front wall of the abdomen.
  14. Exhale.
  15. We relax.
  16. Straighten and lower the leg.
  17. Again, breathe deeply.
  18. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

3. Exercise "The Cat".

  1. Be on your knees.
  2. Bend your knees to the floor. Hands should be under the shoulders, knees - under the hips.
  3. We take a breath.
  4. We lift head, coccyx.
  5. We bend at the lower back (photo 1).
  6. Exhale.
  7. At the same time we select the coccyx.
  8. In parallel, we arch our back and release it (photo 2).
  9. We inhale.
  10. We smoothly bend from the base of the back to the top of the head.
  11. Exhale.
  12. At the same time tighten the navel to the spine.
  13. Straighten the shoulder blades, lengthen the back.
  14. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

4. Gymnastics for pregnant women lying on the back.

  1. We bend the legs in the knee and hip joints.
  2. Legs shoulder width apart.
  3. We rest on foot in feet.
  4. Hands stretch along the body.
  5. We inhale. Raise the pelvis, while resting on the feet and shoulders.
  6. Exhale and lower the pelvis.
  7. Straighten your legs. Straining your legs and buttocks. We draw in the stomach and the crotch. In doing so, breathe deeply.
  8. Relax and exhale.
  9. And so 7 times.

We repeat the complex of exercises 3 to 4 times a day. After 7 - 10 days, you can feel the movement of the fetus in the abdomen. Most likely, your baby is in the right position, but to make sure, it is better to do ultrasound. Next, walk more and wear a bandage so that the child will fix in this position.

And be careful! If you are diagnosed with placenta previa or the threat of pregnancy interruption, preeclampsia, heart pathology, kidneys, do not do the exercises yourself, without physicians' approval!

Be healthy and take care of yourself and your baby!