Inflammation of the lungs - symptoms without fever

To believe that sometimes inflammation of the lungs can occur without the main symptom - temperature - is quite difficult. After all, everyone is well aware that pneumonia is a serious, complex disease that can not be missed even with a strong desire.

Can there be pneumonia without temperature?

Unfortunately, such a phenomenon is not an invention. Moreover, he has a scientific name - asymptomatic pneumonia. This form of the disease is considered one of the most difficult and dangerous. Due to the absence of symptoms, the disease can not be diagnosed for a long time, developing at full speed.

Most often, asymptomatic pneumonia occurs in toddlers, but from time to time, adults also have to be treated for this ailment. The main causes of inflammation of the lungs without temperature and accompanying symptoms are the following:

Negatively health is affected by an overly fast modern way of life. Best of all, whether there is inflammation of the lungs without a temperature, know the hardworking employees of large companies and firms. At them an asymptomatic pneumonia develops because of constant stay in stuffy premises with the dried up working electronics air and against the background of the lungs transferred on legs and virus infections.

Symptoms of pneumonia in adults without fever

In fact, even in asymptomatic pneumonia, there are some signs. The only problem is that many patients do not take them seriously at all. Take, for example, a cough. When he is too loud, coming directly from the lungs, there is no doubt that the symptom is caused by pneumonia. But with a weak cough to turn to a specialist in most people, even thoughts do not arise. And in vain!

Light cough reflexes are considered to be the most dangerous symptoms of lung inflammation occurring without fever. Cough is a protective reaction of the body, with the help of which it tries to get rid of the infection hiding in the airways. The more reflexes are weaker, the less essential the defense.

It is important to note that inflammation of the lungs without temperature, but with a cough can be considered quite common. Sometimes it is with cough reflexes, untreated after a cold or a viral infection, pneumonia begins. In this case, the cough can be different: dry, with sputum, too strong or vice versa, barely noticeable.

Dyspnoea is another sign of asymptomatic pneumonia in adults. This phenomenon can be the result of blood stagnation in a small circle of blood circulation or a sign of intoxication. Increasing dyspnea over time is very dangerous, because it is easy to develop lung edema against its background.

There are other signs of pneumonia, which occurs without temperature in adults:

There is one method that allows you to determine the inflammation of the lungs without temperature visually. To do this, take a deep breath and exhale quietly. If the inflammation really develops in the lungs, one part of the sternum will fall more slowly than the other. This is due to the fact that the inflamed lung can not work at full strength.