Nurofen - syrup for children

Elevated body temperature is one of the most common signs of colds. In addition, very often this unpleasant symptom is accompanied by teething or postvaccinal reaction in newborn babies.

Since a rise in body temperature can be very dangerous for kids who have just been born, young parents are forced to immediately take measures to reduce it. Often for this purpose, a syrup for children Nurofen is used, which has a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect.

In this article we will tell you what ingredients are contained in this medication, and how it should be given to children of different ages.

Nurofen syrup composition for children

The main component of the Nurofen syrup is ibuprofen. This active substance has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect, therefore preparations based on it are deservedly popular in adults and children.

In addition, this medicine contains many auxiliary ingredients. In particular, it includes water, glycerin, citrate and sodium saccharinate, maltitol syrup, citric acid and other components. As this syrup does not include ethyl alcohol, as well as other banned ingredients, it can be used to treat newborn babies that have reached the age of three months. Nurofen for children is available in the form of a syrup with strawberry or orange flavor, so it is with pleasure accepted by boys and girls of any age.

How to take syrup for children Nurofen?

Give this child this drug is very convenient, because it is sold complete with a measuring syringe. Knowing the necessary dosage of Nurofen syrup according to the weight and age of the baby, with the help of this device you can easily measure out the right amount and immediately offer it to the crumb.

So, depending on the age of a small patient, the allowable dose of a medicine for it should be determined according to the following scheme:

This scheme of application applies exclusively to the traditional medicinal product. If Nurofen-forte syrup is used, its dosage for children of each age category should be reduced by 2 times, since the concentration of active substance in this version of the drug is exactly 2 times higher than in the traditional one. In addition, it should be noted that Nurofen-forte can only be used to treat infants over 6 months of age.

Although most young mothers are satisfied with the result of using Nurofen syrup, nevertheless this medicine is not suitable for everyone. So, in some cases, this remedy becomes the cause of allergic reactions, while in others it does not have the desired effect. In such situations, Nurofen syrup for children can be replaced with an analogue, for example, child Ibuprofen, Ibufen.