Soil for seedlings - the most popular ways of preparing the mixture

In order for seeds to germinate, it is important to choose the right seed for seedlings, which must meet a number of requirements. In stores, you can buy ready-made mixtures or do everything yourself, mixing different components. For each culture there are options.

Which soil for seedlings is better?

The quality of the land for growing any plant is of great importance, so it is important to choose it in accordance with certain requirements.

  1. It is important that the soil is loose, well letting in moisture and air. The components should be mixed so that over time the mixture does not cake or harden, and lumps and crusts do not form. A universal primer for seedlings should not contain clay, as it will make the mixture unsuitable for growing plants.
  2. Of great importance is fertility, that is, there should be a lot of organic substances and a complex of minerals in the composition.
  3. In the ground there should be no pathogenic microorganisms, spores of fungi, eggs of insects, seeds of weed plants, but it should not be completely sterile. Of great importance is the availability of useful microflora, otherwise it will not be possible to grow seedlings.
  4. Soil for seedlings should not be toxic, that is, its composition should not contain salts of heavy metals, radionuclides and other harmful substances.
  5. It is important to take into account that the constituent organic constituents after mixing should not quickly decompose and heat. Otherwise, the seeds will simply perish.
  6. The land used should not be either acidic or alkaline. The optimum acidity index is the limit of 6.5-6.7 pH. Similar values ​​are close to neutral values.

How to prepare the soil for seedlings?

Regardless of whether the land was made on its own or purchased, it is recommended that it be prepared. When using different components, they should be sifted (mostly to the earth and sand). Experts say that the preparation of soil for seedlings should include decontamination from pathogens, larvae and eggs. Each of the existing options has its advantages and disadvantages, and the most popular methods include:

  1. Steaming. A month before the planting of seeds, hold the ground in a water bath for 2-3 hours. It is important that the cover with the ground is closed.
  2. Calcination. The earth is kept for half an hour in the oven at a temperature of 90 ° C.
  3. Freezing. Since the autumn, it is necessary to prepare the soil for seedlings, leaving it on the street, covering it, so that it does not get precipitation. One month prior to use, the land should be brought into the house, heated, combined with other components and again carried to the frost.

Soil composition for seedlings

Many gardeners prefer to buy land in the store, but it is more efficient to make it independently. There are three important components: leafy or turfy ground, river sand and peaty soil for seedlings, for example, humus or compost . As additional components, you can use sawdust, ash, coconut fiber, moss, chalk, mineral fertilizers, lime and others. Components for different crops are mixed in different proportions.

Soil temperature for seedlings

Many believe that air temperature is more important, but the indicators for the land matter. For different plants, the temperature may vary, but average values ​​can be distinguished. Good soil for seedlings after sowing should have a temperature entering the limit of 15-25 ° C. When the shoots appear and the leaves start to form, the value should be reduced to 16 ° С. It is important to consider that, if the indicators are high, then this can cause the stems to stretch.

Soil for seedlings of vegetables

It does not matter if you use purchased or self-prepared soil, it is important to ensure that it meets the requirements.

  1. Finding out what kind of soil is needed for seedlings, it is important to point out that it should contain important elements of nutrition: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If these elements will be at least 300-400 mg / l, then it is not recommended to sow seeds in it, it is allowed to transplant the adult seedlings. Higher scores are not acceptable.
  2. Do not use garden land, because it has an unbalanced composition, there is a pathogenic microflora and other shortcomings.
  3. You can take soil for cacti to grow seedlings, but do not forget to pay attention to acidity and if necessary adjust it, for example, with dolomite flour.

Soil for seedlings of cucumbers

If you want to prepare the land yourself, then remember that it must meet all the requirements mentioned above. You can use such formulations:

  1. To make a good soil for planting cucumber seedlings, mix 1 part of sod land and humus. On a bucket of this mixture, take 1 tbsp. wood ash.
  2. For the following options, mix in equal proportions the land from the garden (which must pass the stages of preparation), the purchase of "universal" soil and sand.
  3. In order to make the best soil for seedlings of cucumbers, you need to mix 20 liters of soddy-leafy soil, 200 g of double superphosphate, 10 g of sulfuric potassium, 80 g of ammonium nitrate and 3-4 spoons of wood ash.

Soil for seedlings of tomatoes

To grow good tomatoes, it is important to properly prepare the soil for seedlings and do it three days before the expected sowing. Thanks to this soil for seedlings tomato will sit down and emptiness will disappear. There are several suitable mixtures:

  1. Mix in equal quantities the garden land, leafy soil, sand and humus. Stir everything. Separately, in a bucket of water, dissolve 10 g of carbamide, 30 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium sulfate. The resulting solution pour the soil.
  2. For the next recipe, add peat and sand to the sod land in equal parts. If there is no peat, then you can use the purchased soil, but if there are no additives in it, then you need to put 0.5 l of wood ash and a couple of spoons of superphosphate on the bucket.
  3. You can use this soil for tomato seedlings: to the two parts of the turf ground, add a part of the humus and the same amount of pure river or bottom sand. On the bucket of the finished mixture is taken 0.5 liters of ash wood ash.

Soil for cabbage seedlings

To get bigger heads in the future, you need to use fertile soil with a neutral reaction. It is desirable that in the soil (ground) for cabbage seedling there is composted peat or coarse-grained sand. You can use these options:

  1. Mix in equal proportions the sod land, humus and peat.
  2. For the next mixture, take 5 parts of the turf ground - the main component, part of the ash and 1/4 of the lime and sand.
  3. There is another option, suitable for cabbage, so take 3 parts of peat, part of turf and 1/4 of sand.

Primer for pepper seedling

There are many options that are suitable for growing pepper, and among them one can distinguish a standard composition. It can be used for different varieties. To prepare the soil mixture, combine in equal proportions the sod land, peat and river sand. The presented components are well mixed and add 30 grams of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, and 10 liters of water and 10 grams of carbamide. All move and leave to dry. Finding out what kind of soil is suitable for pepper seedlings, you can use a mixture for which in equal amounts peat, humus and sod land.

Soil for watermelon seedlings

Melon plants are very sensitive to the soil, so it is important that it is fertile, light, loose and water-permeable. It is worth noting that the nutrient soil for watermelon seedlings can be identical to the options for cucumbers. For a suitable mixture, mix in different proportions the sod land, river sand and humus. For 10 liters of finished soil, add 1 liter of wood ash. After that, the land needs to be treated as indicated above. For the formation of soil for seedlings, consider a number of tips:

  1. If the turf land has not been prepared since autumn, then replace it with ready-made shop primer, but only choose quality options.
  2. Used humus is important to sift through a sieve to remove branches, pebbles and other unnecessary particles.
  3. As for the sand, it must be small and clean. Before adding it to the soil mixture it must be washed several times in running water.

Soil for melon seedlings

Growing large fruits on your site is not easy, so it is important to pay special attention to the preparation of soil, which must certainly be saturated with organic. There is a proven recipe approved by experienced gardeners. Mix in equal proportions the usual garden land, purchased soil based on peat and completely rotted compost. In the mixture can be put a little wood ash and river sand. Determining what should be the soil for seedlings, you need to specify the need to water the resulting composition with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, which will ensure disinfection.

Soil for flower seedlings

If the goal is to grow healthy seedlings for flowers, then all the advice on soil selection presented earlier will be relevant in this case. The earth must be loose, light and porous to allow air to pass through well and retain moisture. It is worth paying attention to information related to what should not be included in the soil for flower seedlings, such as compost, sheet earth, reparted manure, shavings of trees, hay and low peat.

In flower shops, you can find a large selection of ready-made soil mixtures, for example, "Flora", "Garden Land", "Violet" and so on. You can use the universal options. When buying, pay attention to the composition, because with an excess of nutrients can not see the flowering. If in the soil for seedlings the amount of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen is in the range of 300-400 mg / l, then it can not be used for seeding seeds, since the buds will not form.

Awning seedlings

For sowing seeds and picking flowers it is recommended to use fresh soil to prevent infection with microbes. There are several options, which soil to choose for growing seedlings asters:

  1. The simplest composition involves mixing 1 part of sand and peat, 1 adding 3 parts of turf ground. In this case, it is necessary to disinfect the land.
  2. If you are buying a ready-made soil mixture, it is better to choose a special option for asters. If you can not find such a soil, then take the land for flower crops and add sand, keeping the proportion of 10: 1.
  3. There is another option suitable for asters: mix 4 parts of peat, 2 parts of garden land and 1 part of sand. After that, put the ash, given that 10 liters of the mixture should account for 1 tbsp. All the mix well, sift and add 1 tbsp. Perlite, which will remove excess moisture and prevent the drying of the soil. Be sure to treat the ground.

Soil for petunia seedlings

One of the most common colors are petunias, which are represented in a wide color variety. It is important to consider that the soil for seedlings should not have a high acidity, because the seeds will not rise well. Lime can be used for neutralization. As for pH values ​​for petunia, the value should be 5.5-6 units. The correct soil for seedlings can be made by own hands, given the advice:

  1. Mix 1 part of sand and moss peat, and add 2 parts of loam. If you plan to grow petunia on the balcony, then connect 30% of clean clay and 70% of red peat.
  2. When cultivation is for commercial purposes, then sand and moss peat should be joined in equal proportions, and instead of loam use part of the spruce bark and the same amount of perlite.