Pyroplasmosis in dogs

With the advent of the warm season, dog owners have a troubled time. They are constantly worried about whether their pet was bitten by an ixodid tick, a vector of such a deadly disease as pyroplasmosis in dogs. The animal turned away from the proposed delicacy, apathetic behaves and sleeps a lot, does not want to go for a walk - it's time to carefully inspect the dog's fur. And if you find a stinging tick - call the veterinarian urgently.

Symptoms and signs of pyroplasmosis in dogs

Seasonal disease of pyroplasmosis is caused by microscopic cellular parasites - babesies, which are carried by mites. Since this disease is fraught with extremely serious consequences, it is very important not to allow its development.

Pyroplasmosis can be affected by dogs of any breed, but the most receptive to it are young thoroughbred animals.

Most often, pincers penetrate the skin of the dog in places where the skin is thin and tender: on the ears, chest, neck. When a tick is bitten, babesies that enter the body are introduced into the erythrocytes and destroy them. This process occurs quite quickly. As a result, because of the lack of red blood cells, cellular respiration is disrupted, intoxication, which affects the spleen, liver and kidneys, worsens the heart and lungs of the animal.

The first signs of pyroplasmosis in dogs - a sharp rise in body temperature to 42 ° C against a background of lethargy, refusal to eat and drink. One of the most characteristic symptoms of the disease is that the urine of a diseased dog is painted in a dark, and sometimes black. Later, jaundice joins these manifestations of the disease. An animal often has vomiting and diarrhea often with an admixture of blood.

How to treat pyroplasmosis in dogs?

If you notice such symptoms from your pet, you should immediately take it to the clinic, where the dog should have a blood test. Depending on their results, as well as on the condition of the animal, the veterinarian must prescribe a treatment.

The main thing in the treatment of the disease is to overcome the consequences of pyroplasmosis in dogs, as well as the influence of those strongest drugs that destroy parasites. The treatment package includes hepatoprotectors that support the work of the liver, saline solutions from dehydration of the dog's body. Necessarily present cardiac preparations, vitamins. A good effect can be achieved in the treatment of pyroplasmosis with the use of a drug such as gamavit.

Since pyroplasmosis affects the entire body of the dog, a special diet for the animal should be developed. From the diet should remove raw fruits and vegetables, reduce the content of protein and fat in food. You can enter a small amount of fermented milk products.

Even if you turned to the veterinarian in time, strictly followed all his recommendations, you often can not avoid complications from pyroplasmosis. The dog can undergo hepatic or renal, pulmonary or heart failure. Probably ischemic brain damage, pancreatitis, anemia. All these complications can become deadly to the weakened organism of the dog. In order to facilitate the course of the disease in some clinics prescribe a procedure for plasmapheresis, which provides for the purification of blood from dead red blood cells and babesias. This method allows to increase the chances of curing a dog from pyroplasmosis.

Since there are no vaccinations against pyroplasmosis for dogs, the main preventive measure is the vector control of the disease - ticks. To do this, you can use various means: drops, sprays, special collars. After each walk, be sure to inspect the dog's coat for parasites.