How to become thin?

How to become thin and very beautiful, like a model? If this question gives you no peace, then they will have enough to plague themselves, it's time to act. Just before a decisive step forward, spend a couple more minutes thinking: is it really good and beautiful to be thin? If you think about the original meaning of the word "thin", you can understand that there is nothing good in this. Actually being too thin to be not only harmful, but also ugly. And since it's very thin to be ugly, then the question, whether it's fashionable to be thin, inappropriate - now in fashion is beauty. Another thing, if in this concept you put another meaning, if your goal is not thinness, but harmony. In order not to overdo with losing weight, be sure to calculate the minimum permissible body weight for yourself. To do this, the body mass index 18.5 (this value is considered to be minimal) is multiplied by the square of your height (in meters). If you lose weight more, health problems will not be avoided. Also, you can not lose weight quickly, it's also completely useless. So the question of how to become very thin in a week, change to how to be always skinny without harm to health, and throw out of your head plans for instant weight loss. In addition to health problems, it will give you stretch marks and flabby skin, which also does not make you more attractive.

How to become lean as a model?

You will laugh, but to lose weight and stay thin, you need to learn to eat.

  1. Namely, there is only when you are really hungry, not for a company, or when it's time for lunch.
  2. There is as much as needed for saturation, and not until the pan with borscht is empty. At the same time absorbing food, you need to enjoy its taste, and do not swallow it to fill the stomach.
  3. Stop consoling yourself with a huge number of sweets and muffins.
  4. Replace very high-calorie foods for less, but do not forbid yourself to use any product at all. For example, there is bread with bran or rye, find low-calorie cakes and biscuits (there are), replace milk chocolate with bitter.

In addition to food culture, you need to pay attention to your thinking, to the perception of yourself, your body. Simply put, we learn to think positively. We forget about the words "I'm on a diet, I'm losing weight". The subconscious perceives this as, "I'm getting worse, I'm losing something," and the effect of the diet is reduced. Instead of these words, say to yourself "I'm getting slimmer, slimmer, more beautiful," "I like every piece of food that I eat, I like healthy food," "I enjoy physical exercises." Also, to stimulate one's own resolve, one can resort to other tricks. For example, hang in the room where you spend most of your time, a photograph of the model or actress you took for the ideal. Or every time you catch yourself thinking that it would be nice to cheer yourself up with that sweet, high-calorie cake, do the following. Imagine how you will look when you reach the goal, dress yourself mentally in eye-popping dresses, imagine yourself in beautiful underwear, play any scenes in the imagination, admire yourself. And then, opening your eyes, clearly and distinctly tell yourself that dreams will remain dreams if you now return to the old way of life.

And of course, to be skinny, we must not forget about physical activity. They will help you lose weight beautifully, without flabby muscles.

How to make slender legs?

And what if you do not want to lose weight completely, for example, you need to make your legs more slim, while the rest of the body suits you completely? Then you do not really need diets. For the most lazy and at the same time brave ladies, operations are designed to give the correct shape to the legs. The rest can use such cosmetic procedures as wrapping. In fact, it is designed to fight cellulite, but the amount of hips can reduce by a couple of centimeters. Well, that the legs were thin, physical exercises are simply necessary. The best for this purpose are jumping rope, running, swimming and stretching exercises. But squatting (pumping hips) and walking on your fingers (increase the calves) you are contraindicated.