Caviar from algae - good and bad

This product appeared in stores relatively recently, so there are many questions about the benefits and harm of caviar from algae. To understand this issue, let's see what substances are contained in this product.

Benefits and harm of caviar from seaweed

The simulated product contains a lot of iodine and bromine, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Alginic acid can also be found in algal roe, the use of which normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the level of arterial pressure, and also improves the metabolism. Another property of the said acid is its ability to remove heavy metals and even radiation from the body, so the product can be safely called very useful. The ecological situation in our time is such that even in a small inhabited locality the air is polluted, and this contributes to the deterioration of well-being and forces us to eat products that can minimize the negative impact. Imitated caviar is just such a product.

But, black caviar from algae, in addition to good, can also bring harm, because it enhances intestinal motility, which means that if you eat it regularly in large quantities, you can provoke the onset of diarrhea or increased gas production. Experts recommend eating no more than 50 grams of simulated eggs a day, then there should not be problems. The high content of iodine contributes to the fact that people with a disturbed hormonal background can not simulate caviar. Algae can trigger and the appearance of allergic reactions, so eat foods from them very carefully and eliminate them from your diet if allergy symptoms still appear.