How does the "Adding the Mind" icon help?

The icon of the Mother of God - "The addition of the mind" is written in a rather rare style of writing icons. The fact is that in the Catholic church there is a similar icon, made of wood, which depicts Madonna Loretto with a baby in her arms. This statue is made of cedar, and the crowns on the heads of the saints are painted with gold. Dolmatik - the attire in which the saints are dressed Madonna Loretto with a baby, strings of pearls and precious stones . This icon is called "The Key of Reason".

The Orthodox icon of the Mother of God "Adding Mind" is made in the form of a picture. On her, the Mother of God with the baby is also wearing crowns on her head and wearing a dolmatic, only crowns on the heads of the saints are royal, and a dolmatik of red color, adorned with flowers and crosses. The uniqueness of this icon is that it was written by an Orthodox monk, who was obsessed with insanity, obtained in the field of the search for truth. At moments of enlightenment, the Mother of God was to him and only at these moments he wrote the icon ! The monk performed this icon in the Catholic style! After its writing, the monk was completely healed of his illness, and the icon became miraculous!

After writing the icon of the Mother of God - "Adding Mind", she was placed in a church near the city of Yaroslavl, where she is still. To her flocked a huge number of pilgrims from all over the world, that the Holy Mother of God instructed them to do charity, and also cured them of mental ailments.

Miracles from the icon of the Mother of God "Addition of the mind" continue to this day. Many people became more responsible about their actions, their affairs, their lives. Children constantly praying to the Virgin Mary, depicted on this icon, begin to think much more carefully before doing this or that act.

What is the help of the icon of the Mother of God "Adding Mind"?

This icon helps in the first place the rethinking of lived years and the search for new opportunities. Cleans the heart and soul and helps to tune in to new achievements.

Prayer for children about the Blessed Virgin "Adding Mind":