Prayer to Moses Murin from drunkenness

Saint Moses Murin once proved that it is never too late to get out of the way of sinful life. He was a slave, but for killing among his own, the master drove him away. Moses joined the robbers, then became their leader. Needless to say, too much blood was spilled from his hands, and whether to emphasize that robbery could not do without alcohol.

Murin means Ethiopian. Moses was a black slave, and became a Christian saint for both Catholics and Orthodox Christians. Once God called him to repentance, and Moses, leaving his "colleagues", went to a deserted monastery. Later, he went into a hermit's cell, where day and night he shed tears for those whom he had ruined.

Today, admiring how he managed to overcome the devil in himself, Moses Murin is read prayers for drunkenness. But the healing and forgiveness of God was given to him very uneasy ...

Moses was tormented by lust, carnal abuse, bad thoughts, craving for alcohol - the sinful past for a long time urged him to "rethink" and return.

When you recite a prayer to the Monk Moses Murin, remember how he fought his sins.

At first, Moses tried to heal, reading the whole night before the dawn of prayer, not closing his eyes and falling asleep for a second. So six years passed.

Then he tried to strengthen his spirit by fasting - Moses decided to wear his flesh on the advice of a wise old man.

But it did not help to defeat the devil either. Moses Muri followed the advice of another elder. At night, he collected the water-carriers of the deserters and, filling them, again put them at the entrance to the cell.

Thus, Moses sought forgiveness from God for his sins.

When praying to Moses Murin, do not forget to remember his mercy. Being in the cell, he was attacked by robbers (once his followers). But Moses disarmed them and let them go, because he promised never to harm anyone. The robbers recognized their Moses and were surprised at the changes, also repented and eventually became monks.

So did many other villains, admiring and bowing before the holiness of Moses Murin.

Pray for Saint Moses - and he will give you strength to get rid of alcohol dependence .

Prayer to Moses Murin