Lupine - growing from seeds

Looks plain, but such a proud and stubborn lupine bribes gardeners with their bright colors and perfect unpretentiousness. How to grow lupine from seeds, and what lessons have features, read below.

Sowing lupine

You can grow many-year-old lupins from the seeds in several ways.

Option number 1.

At home, seedlings are specially grown, and only after the onset of heat, the flowers are planted in the open ground. But this method is used most often in the northern cold regions, where it is difficult to achieve full flowering.

Option number 2.

You can go in a simpler way. Immediately scatter the seeds on the spot where you want to see this handsome man. How to sow lupine correctly? To plant a lupine seed does not need to have any special skills. Yes, and plant it in the ground it is possible in spring, summer or even in the autumn. Here are the basic rules of the spring landing of lupine.

1. Although it is believed that lupine is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but its softness and drainage properties are of no small importance for its better growth. Therefore, do not be lazy and dig a seed before sowing seeds and carefully loosen the place where you will sow the seeds. By the way, the most famous and big plus of this flower is that it is a ciderate. Lupine himself is able to fertilize the soil, both for his own better growth, and for growing other crops on it. If you plant a lupine in poor soil, then in a few years it will be greatly enriched with the necessary useful elements. Take into account this proven fact by choosing a place for planting.

2. Seeds can be planted in two ways:

Whatever way of planting you choose, do not forget that lupine always grows with time. And for the first year the distance between the lupines can be filled with other annuals.

3. After the seeds are in the ground, cover them with a thin layer of soil and sprinkle them un-watered from the watering can. First sprouts will appear in a week.

4. Growing lupine, you'll soon notice that there are almost no weeds around it. This is due to the characteristics of the roots of lupine, which contain analogues of ethyl alcohol, which destroys weeds and bacteria.

Summer and autumn sowing of lupine is no different from spring. Just be aware that, planting lupins in the summer, you will see flowers only the next year. And if you are going to plant this perennial in the autumn, then calculate the time so that until frost it remains at least a month. To successfully winter the winter, the young lupine needs to grow at least a small root system.