Crimean onion - useful properties

Most tourists and travelers who arrived on the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula know about the Yalta onion and the beneficial properties with which it is endowed, appreciate its taste and characteristics. Many before departure buy its bundles. But from a large number of onions located on the South Coast, only ten percent deserve to be called a real Crimean.

Value and properties of the Crimean onion

Growing red Yalta onions is not an easy task even in his homeland, because he is very sensitive to the number of sunny days in the year, temperature and humidity. Crimean onions are very valuable not only for their variety of oils, giving incredible aromas, but also juicy watery scales, so onion fields should be watered more often. This vegetable culture ripens for quite a long time. To fully ripen the bulbs need about 5 months and this is in favorable conditions!

Useful properties of red Crimean onion

The use of red Crimean onions is undeniable. It has twice as many antioxidants as in other varieties. Because of this, the onion has the strongest anti-inflammatory effect. Even in the vegetable there is a kind of sulfur, which contributes to the development of cysteine, which positively influences the process of weight loss and helps to remove toxins from the body.

If you use this onion from time to time, it will lower the cholesterol content. Components found in Yalta onions have a positive effect on the processes in the cerebral cortex and the nervous system, so it is useful to use it for those who suffer from insomnia and atherosclerosis.

Below you can see the mineral-vitamin composition of the Crimean onion.


Trace Elements