Fighting aphids with folk remedies

At the end of spring or early summer, when gardeners and gardeners start to admire the young shoots, anticipating a plentiful harvest, one of the most dangerous enemies of plants, aphids, appears on the site. These little green, yellow or brown fleas are at first sight rather harmless, but they can destroy the entire crop. Aphids suck out the juice from the leaves and stems, from which the leaves twist and the plant wilt. Of course, the owner of the garden will not watch the destruction of the harvest and will hurry to get rid of pests. But do not immediately resort to the help of chemicals, there are effective folk methods to combat aphids.

Fighting aphids - prevention

The struggle against aphids by folk remedies begins with competent prevention. Stop the insects, which are rapidly multiplying (in a month there are three generations of aphids) is much more difficult than to prevent their appearance.

  1. Important due care for the soil - compliance with crop rotation, weeding weeds and root shoots, which can be laid eggs of aphids.
  2. You can not overdose fertilizers, for aphids overfed plants - the best delicacy. At the same time, in autumn to enrich abundantly the soil with potassium in the form of wood ash will not be superfluous, this will reduce the likelihood of pests.
  3. The popular measure of fighting against aphids is the attraction of "useful" birds and insects to the garden. Tile is pleased to eat tits, sparrows, golden-eyed beaks, ground beetles, especially effectively fight with the aphid of ladybugs. To attract insects, spicy herbs are planted (parsley, dill), and birds are lured by feeders and waterers.
  4. If there is an anthill on the site, it is necessary to get rid of it . Ants do not feed on aphids, as many mistakenly think, but with aphids. Therefore ants in some sense protect aphids, as a source of delicacies and even transfer it from the plant to the plant.
  5. Effective folk remedies against aphids - grown on the site of "regular" plants. For example, you can plant between the cultures chamomile, garlic, onion, mint, coriander - they scare off the aphid, and in the distance to plant nasturtium, petunia, glue, which will lure the aphids to themselves.

Folk recipes from aphids

Of course, it happens that, despite all the preventive measures, the aphids did appear, then the folk recipes for getting rid of aphids will become the next stage.

1. As the aphids breathe through the skin, folk remedies based on soap are considered to be among the most effective. The soap solution envelops the insect, blocking the access of oxygen. It is important to treat plants with soap solutions in the evening, when useful pollinating insects have already flown away.

2. Often folk methods of combating aphids are based on watering plants with all sorts of infusions and broths.