Hops cones - medicinal properties

Many hops are known exclusively for their far from last role in the preparation of beer. In fact, this plant has a lot of useful properties and is very actively used in cosmetology, folk medicine. What are these properties, and what can be their usefulness for the organism, we will tell below in the article.

Useful properties of hop cones

The useful properties of hops were known a few hundred years ago. And to this day many doctors turn to the help of tinctures, medicines and cosmetic products made on the basis of this plant.

The main medicinal properties of cones of hops can be represented thus:

  1. The plant contains a huge amount of vitamins (groups C and B) and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium).
  2. Hops cones have a powerful soothing effect. Some even argue that the plant can be used as a sleeping pill.
  3. Bitter pollen of cones can awaken or improve appetite. Hops perfectly tones up the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Useful properties of hop cones even allow you to alleviate pain and relieve inflammation.
  5. Often hops are used as a diuretic .
  6. Traditional medicine recommends cones of hops to girls suffering from disorders of the menstrual cycle. Tinctures on hop cones allow even to quench severe menstrual pains and cure cystitis.

Very often, the healing properties of hop cones help in getting rid of neurosis, ulcers. The female hormone contained in the plant made hops a constant component of special fees for the decollete and chest zone.

Contraindications for the use of hop cones

Of course, when talking about the multiple benefits and benefits of hop cones, one should not forget about the harm they can bring. Before treatment, it is best to consult a specialist. Treating, you must not forget that with hops you need to know the extent. Otherwise, the plant can serve as a poison. Therefore, using medicines or tinctures based on hops, it is important to follow exactly the dosage specified in the prescription, and at the first signs of poisoning try to clean the stomach and call an ambulance.

The main contraindication for using hop cones is pregnancy. You can not resort to treatment for these plants and young nursing mothers. Although hop is able to cope with some gynecological problems, it can not be used in all cases. With polyps, cysts, endometriosis or tumors, the plant will only aggravate the patient's condition.

Hops and allergies are not suitable. To check the body for the presence of an allergic reaction, first you need to use intoxicated drugs in small dosages.

Of course, one should not forget about the individual intolerance of the individual elements that make up the cones.

Knowing all the medicinal properties and contraindications to using cones of hops, you can guarantee yourself an excellent health course.

How to use cones of hops?

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for the preparation of medicines based on hops.

Very often cones are used to improve the condition of the hair and scalp. This recipe is very simple - enough to crush it dry plant into dust and rub into the skin. After this procedure, the hair will not get dirty much longer than usual.

To treat the cones of hop hopeless insomnia, you also need to prepare a motherwort and mint or lemon balm:

  1. All ingredients pour a liter of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for ten hours.
  3. The mixture should be consumed three times a day before meals.

Hops with sunflower oil can become a salvage for pains in the joints, in the treatment of abrasions and bruises .