Clematis - planting and care in the open ground

The Greek word clematis means a climbing plant. Clematis began to grow for the first time as ornamental plants in Western Europe in the 16th century. Then these charming specimens of the family of buttercups spread to other countries. Through the efforts of breeders, new forms and varieties of these flowering lianas were brought out.

There are clematis with two different types of root system: fibrous and rod. And plants that have a rod root system, do not like transplanting at all. Therefore, before planting clematis in the open ground, it is recommended to determine in advance with its place on the site.

Green or purple leaves in a plant can be complex or simple, flowers - single or collected in inflorescences. Extremely diverse forms of flowers: in the form of a semi-zoonotic, panicle, scutellum, etc. Flowers can be simple or terry, having up to seventy petals!

It is believed that species with large flowers are better to propagate by seedlings, and for small-flowered clematis is suitable seed planting .

Clematis - planting and care in the garden

Clematis lovers know and consider the important features of planting and caring for these beautiful plants in the open ground. Clematis are very fond of light, and the best place to plant a sunny place, well protected from the winds. Soils for them are suitable loamy, fertile and loose. It should pass water well. Sour, heavy or saline soils are not suitable for clematis. Harm, rather than benefit, fertilize plants with acidic peat or fresh manure.

Experts believe that, ideally, clematis seedlings should be planted in late August - early September. Then the plants will take root well before the cold and will winter better.

Before planting clematis, you need to install for it supports, the height of which should be about two meters. Such supports will support the vine in strong gusts of wind. In this case, remember that the supports should not be too close to the wall of the fence or the house: between the wall and the plants should leave a distance of 20-30 cm. Rainwater draining from the roof, in no case should fall on the flowers themselves.

Before landing, check the clematis roots: if they are slightly dry, pre-soak them in water for several hours. At this time we prepare the soil mixture for planting, which depends on the acidity and structure of your soil. Earth from the excavated hole is mixed with humus, sand and peat in equal parts. Add one liter can of wood ash, as well as 100 grams of complex fertilizer. And only after that we proceed to landing.

Approximately half the depth of the pit, we fill in the prepared soil mixture, make a mound of it, to the top of which we put a clematis seedling. All its roots are neatly spread around the mound. Then the rest of the earth is sprinkled with roots, as well as the root neck of the plant.

Plant clematis necessarily with deepening, and the more a plant, the deeper it should be planted. Such a technique will save seedlings from winter frosts and scorching summer heat, and new shoots will grow stronger and stronger.

Planted clematis should be well watered, and the surface around it to peat with peat. And do not forget to protect the plant from the bright rays of the sun.

Clematis care after planting

The main points of caring for this plant are loosening the soil and, of course, controlling weeds. As for watering, it should be abundant, while it should not be flooded. Within a year after planting this blooming vine, it is not necessary to fertilize it.

Buds that appear in the first year after planting clematis must be removed. If on clematis only one shoot starts to grow, its top is better to pinch. This will promote the development of lateral branches on the vine. The clematis garter should be performed as the vine grows.