Pregnancy 6 weeks - sensations

Pregnancy is an amazing time of transformation of the body and a new experience. The sixth week of pregnancy is the period when the future baby is actively formed, although by its size it is not more than a rice seed.

The 6th week of pregnancy, or the fourth obstetric week from conception, causes the most different sensations in the future mother.

Under the influence of hormones, the fetus grows intensively and develops. In turn, this has a strong influence on the overall physical and emotional well-being of a woman.

Some women at the 6th week of pregnancy say that they did not experience almost any new sensations. But most of the future mothers face significant changes.

What sensations does a woman experience at the 5th-6th week of pregnancy?

The fruit has a comprehensive effect on the mother's body. Changing the hormonal background leads to serious changes. Reduced blood pressure, which often provokes drowsiness, fatigue and lethargy.

Many women during this period suffer from toxicosis. Nausea and loss of appetite causes a lot of trouble. However, fractional nutrition, experimentation with different foods and finding your diet will help reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. In this regard, often the weight of a woman in the sixth week may not only not increase, but on the contrary, decrease.

Also, a lot of troubles can be brought by heartburn. This problem is a consequence of the relaxation of food pulp, which leads to a repeated throwing of food into the stomach, causing unpleasant sensations.

The mammary glands are even larger in size, and the nipples become more sensitive.

Under the influence of hormones, increases the greasiness of the skin, which sometimes leads to the appearance of acne. But careful care will help to eliminate this problem.

At the 6-7th week of pregnancy, such unpleasant sensations as back pain or frequent urge to urinate may appear. Such manifestations should not frighten you - this is a consequence of the increased uterus, which begins to put pressure on the bladder.

Physical changes affect the emotional state - there is irritability and tearfulness.

A pregnant woman should rest more and be attentive to her health. And very soon your house will be filled with a joyful event - the birth of the long-awaited baby.