Why can not pregnant women go to a funeral?

It has long been customary that women who carry a baby are forbidden to be buried, but why can not pregnant women go to a funeral and a cemetery, as if no one can say. There are many beliefs and interpretations of this, and listen to them or not - the decision of the woman herself.

The opinion of the church

Clergymen have always been unanimous, not understanding why it is believed that pregnant women can not be present at the funeral, because it's just idle fictions. A child still in the womb is protected by the guardian angel, and nothing threatens him.

It is believed that the cemetery - the same place as any other, and there is nothing wrong with the fact that the pregnant woman wants to say goodbye to her dear deceased relative. This means that if a woman is truly believing, then one should not pay attention to all kinds of signs, but follow the dictates of her heart.

Signs, why pregnant women can not go to the funeral

There are different opinions on the account of what a woman in the period of bearing a baby should refuse to participate in a funeral procession. The most basic is the theoretical possibility of the world of the dead to take away the unstable, unprotected soul of an unborn baby to itself.

It is believed that until the moment of baptism, the baby's soul is very susceptible to all kinds of negative influence from outside, whether it be otherworldly forces or the human eye. It is for this pregnant woman that you can not attend a funeral of even a loved one. It is better to go to church and order a memorial service and read prayers for the peace of the soul of the deceased.

In addition, old people believe that in the bustle of the cemetery imperceptibly come not only the relatives and friends of the deceased, but also those who are on a short leg with dark forces. It is at these moments that you can inflict severe damage on a person, and Mom with a baby in the womb is a very vulnerable target.

Not only folk superstitions can serve as a reason not to attend a funeral, even to a loved one. After all, it is attachment and love for the deceased that can serve an unkind service to a woman in a position.

Real warnings for pregnant women going to the funeral

The oppressive atmosphere, crying, moaning over the deceased in the most negative way can affect, and without that, the unbalanced psyche of a pregnant woman.

To shake the mental health of a woman at the moment of bearing a baby can various factors, and the death of a loved one is a very serious reason for this. That's why you should say good-bye to the deceased in your thoughts, ask for forgiveness from him, which he will surely accept and go to church to put a candle behind him.