Sausage - delicious and hearty recipes for every day

Lenten solyanka will bring a considerable variety in the menu, deprived of meat dishes, complementing it with at least a couple of completely different taste characteristics of culinary compositions. Appetizing soup with olives and lemon on the first or tastiest stewed cabbage on the second will be enthusiastically received by eaters.

How to cook lean halibut?

Solyanka without meat can be prepared as a liquid hot for lunch at the first or as a nutritional second, for which different base components are used and a completely different technology is used.

  1. For soup you will need a broth of vegetables and a vegetable set, which includes onions, carrots, sweet peppers, potatoes, cabbage, often pickles and tomatoes, depending on the recipe. Unchanged accompaniment of the food will be olives or olives and lemon slices.
  2. For a thick saltwort served on the second, fresh or sauerkraut will be needed, which can be supplemented with all sorts of vegetables, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, various seasonings and herbs.

Sausage cabbage soup - recipe

Sausage fresh cabbage soup can be served as an independent dish or used as a filling for the preparation of pies and all kinds of baking. Instead of tomato paste, you can add crushed fresh tomatoes, tomato juice, sauce or ketchup and use other seasonings to choose from.



  1. Fry the onions and carrots in oil.
  2. Add the chopped cabbage, pasta, seasonings and spices, stew under the lid, stirring occasionally, until the softness of the vegetables.
  3. Served cabbage soup with greens.

Sauteed cabbage soup with sauerkraut

The following recipe for a delicious saltwort from cabbage without meat will allow you to evaluate more spicy characteristics by using a sauerkraut and its harmonious combination with prunes and sweet pepper. The ideal seasoning in this case will be cumin, which, if intolerant, can be replaced by the seasoning of hops-suneli.



  1. Onions are fried onion, cabbage, Bulgarian pepper, all seasonings, stew the dish until the softness of the vegetables.
  2. Add the prunes cut into strips, mix and give the food to soak for another 5-7 minutes.
  3. A delicious hodgepodge without meat and prunes is served alone or garnished with potatoes.

Sausage with beans - recipe

More nutritious will be a lean solyanka, cooked with beans, which must first be soaked for several hours, and then rinse and boil almost until cooked. Additional joint languishing of beans with cabbage and tomato will allow the components to exchange tastes and merge into a mouth-watering dish.



  1. Soak and boil the beans.
  2. Fry onion in oil, adding carrots to the process.
  3. Lay cabbage, tomato paste, beans, season the food to taste, cover with a lid.
  4. After about 20-30 minutes of quenching, the lean solyanka with beans will be ready.

Lenten mushroom salad - recipe

Unusually fragrant and full-bodied is a lean mushroom halophyte, especially if cooked with borers, chanterelles, other representatives of the mushroom kingdom. In the absence of quite fit champignons and even oysters. Extra piquancy to the food will add added to the pickled cucumber.



  1. Mushrooms boil until cooked in salted water with the addition of spices.
  2. Fry onion with carrots.
  3. Add cabbage, tomato paste, sliced ​​or ground cucumbers.
  4. Season the mass, stew for 15 minutes.
  5. Add mushrooms, garlic, greens.
  6. After 15 minutes, the lean solyanka with mushrooms will be ready.

Lenten soup soup - recipe

Preparation of a lean saltwort under the following recipe will allow to provide a dinner meal with the most tasty hot wine for the first. The fragrance of rich soup, cooked on mushroom broth with the addition of pickles, will not leave indifferent even finicky and picky in food consumers.



  1. Boil pre-soaked white mushrooms.
  2. Fry onion with carrots.
  3. Add the flour, and a minute later, paste, cucumber, a little mushroom broth, allow 10-15 minutes.
  4. Fry separately champignons in oil, shift together with dressing in a saucepan, pour water.
  5. Season to taste.
  6. After 5 minutes of a quiet boil, the soup-hodgepodge without meat will be ready.

Lenten Fish Soup - Recipe

Lenten fish solyanka will be especially fragrant if part of fresh fish is replaced by smoked. Not superfluous in the composition will be mushrooms, which are simply added to the composition for density or used for cooking broth. It is permissible to replace black olives with green olives, which will give the food a more pronounced sourness.



  1. Boil fish, get rid of bones, return to strained broth.
  2. Fry onion, carrots.
  3. Add cucumbers, flour, tomato, a little broth, stew until the ingredients are soft, put into a saucepan.
  4. There also send fried mushrooms, pickle and seasonings to taste.
  5. Served with lean solyanka with olives and lemon slices.

Sausage with rice

The postal solianka, the recipe of which will be presented next, is prepared from cabbage, which is supplemented in the process of extinguishing by boiled separately rice. The resulting dish is the ideal solution for serving daily dinners. In addition, the mass can be used as a filling for home-made pies.



  1. Cook rice separately, wash, drain.
  2. Fry the onions and carrots.
  3. Add cabbage, pasta, spices, stew until soft.
  4. Stir in the cabbage mass of rice, season to taste, warm up for 5 minutes.

Sausage with salt cucumbers

Solyanka without meat - a recipe that can be performed in a purely vegetable composition for the first. Characteristic sourness of the dish will add an assortment of pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut and tomatoes, which can be used fresh, canned or replaced with tomato paste, juice, sauce or ketchup.



  1. Potatoes are boiled in water until soft.
  2. Fry the onions with carrots.
  3. Add cucumbers, cabbage, fried tomatoes, stew until the ingredients are soft.
  4. Transfer the vegetable dressing to the potatoes, season, cook for 5 minutes.
  5. When serving, add to lemon and olives.

Pouring solyanka in a pot

Unusual fragrance is acquired by vegetable lean solyanka, if you cook it in a pot in the oven. The composition can be varied at its own discretion, replacing the white mushrooms with champignons, potatoes with beans, Bulgarian pepper. Instead of water it is allowed to use for pouring mushroom or vegetable broth.



  1. Shred cabbage and potatoes, put in pots.
  2. Fry onion with carrots, adding boiled and chopped mushrooms in the end.
  3. Spread the fry on the vegetables and add a little salted water.
  4. Prepare in covered pots for 1 hour at 180 degrees.

Solyanka Lenten in the Multivariate

Elementary and without the hassle of preparing a hodgepodge without meat in a multivark . Using forest mushrooms, they must be boiled with the addition of spices. If you want, you can do without preliminary frying of vegetable ingredients, just lay the ingredients from the list in the bowl and wait until the end of the program "Quenching".



  1. Fry the onions and carrots on the "Baking", adding the butter.
  2. They put the mushrooms on, continue the frying for another 5 minutes.
  3. Spread the cabbage, sauce, seasonings into the bowl, switch the appliance to "Quenching" for an hour.