Crafts from cotton wool

Children's creativity knows no bounds, and that the most interesting, at times the kids get real masterpieces from simple improvised materials. Take, for example, conventional wadded disks, it is unlikely that manufacturers could assume that small craftsmen will find such an original application of their products. Of course, the children are not always able to translate the desired into reality without the help of adults, so we suggest moms and dads to take a direct part in the creative process of creating beautiful and intricate hand-made articles made of cotton wool.

What craft can be made from cotton wool discs?

From such improvised material, as wadded disks it is possible to create the present masterpieces. A flower meadow or a Christmas tree, a funny little animal or a bird, a romantic composition in the form of a heart or a sweet angel - depending on the mood and age of the child, you have the right to choose and make what your heart desires. Also often crafts have a thematic focus. So, on the eve of the New Year and Christmas, it is customary to make crafts in the form of characteristic attributes. Let's not change traditions and we will stop on typical winter hand-made articles made of cotton discs for children. However, before we get down to work, let's discuss some subtleties and nuances.

How to paint wadded disks for crafts?

Children love bright colors, so it is logical to assume that they will quickly get bored with working with white discs. To make the process of making crafts captivating, and the very artwork is beautiful and colorful, it is better to paint the cotton wool in advance, as they dry long enough. For these purposes, you can use ordinary colors such as finger or gouache. It is also possible to lower the material into a beaker with water, into which food coloring has been previously added. After painting the discs you need to dry it properly, the warm battery will help to speed up the process.

How to glue cotton pads?

The sequence of gluing can vary depending on the idea and age of the master. So, the smallest will be much more convenient to lay out the composition on the sheet of cardboard covered with glue, older children can initially lay out the composition from cotton wheels on the base, then alternately glue each element, applying glue to the place where this element is located. You can do otherwise - drip small drops of PVA glue directly onto the wadded disk, and then press it to the base.

And now let's return to our artwork from cotton wool for children and try to make something with our own hands.

Example 1

Our instructions will tell you in detail how to make a beautiful hand-made Christmas tree made of cotton discs, which will become an excellent festive element of decor for your home or a wonderful postcard for friends or relatives.

  1. First of all, we paint discs with green gouache.
  2. Then fold them and fix it with glue, as shown in the photo.
  3. Now we will glue on the sheet of blue cardboard "snow drifts" and start spreading our herringbone from the bottom up.
  4. Next, we fantasize and add to the composition.

Example 2

The crafty angel of cotton wheels looks no less spectacular, and is done in a matter of minutes. Let's get started.

  1. Divide the cotton wool in half and collect all the cotton that is inside the lump.
  2. We put the lump in the middle of one of the halves, we wrap it and tighten the thread, so that this ball will turn out to be.
  3. Now let's start making the case. We carefully look at the photo and do not forget to paste in the specified places.
  4. Next, we turn to the manufacture of wings.
  5. We adorn the angel with beads and sew the loop.
  6. Do not forget about the pen.
  7. Here we have such an original hand-made angel made of cotton wheels.

Other ideas and inspiration for making handmade diapers from cotton wheels for children with their own hands, you can find in the gallery below.