Tincture of burdock on vodka - application

Despite the fact that burdock is a ubiquitous plant and often is weeded out like a weed, it is of great value in folk medicine. The properties of the plant make it possible to treat with it a variety of diseases, including oncological malignant tumors. The tincture of burdock on vodka is especially helpful - the use of such a remedy is also effective for severe intoxications, gout, rheumatism and kidney stones.

Application of tincture of burdock root on vodka

In addition to these diseases, the drug in question is effective in the bites of poisonous snakes as an antidote, diabetes, gastritis, hemorrhoids, the prevention of growth of metastases of cancer tumors.

Classic recipe:

  1. Fresh roots of burdock grind well, carefully squeeze out the juice from them.
  2. The resulting liquid in an amount of 1 L is mixed with vodka (200 ml) and shaken.
  3. Put the medicine bottle in the refrigerator.
  4. After 14 days, you can drink medicine: 1 tablespoon of the drink before each meal (3 times a day).

Tincture of burdock and vodka with honey:

  1. Finely chop the root of the plant.
  2. Mix 1 tablespoon of raw materials and any natural honey , better than May.
  3. Shake the contents thoroughly with 200 ml of vodka.
  4. Leave in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
  5. Shake and immediately strain infusion.
  6. Drink the same way as the remedy from the above recipe.

Application of tincture from burdock leaves on vodka

The terrestrial part of the plant is no less useful than the rhizome.

Prescription medication:

  1. Collect large burdock leaves in spring, wash them well and grind them with a blender or a meat grinder.
  2. Using a gauze cut, squeeze the juice from the pulp.
  3. Mix 500 ml of the obtained liquid with the same volume of honey and vodka.
  4. Pour the contents into a bottle and put in the refrigerator.
  5. After 21 days you can drink - 1 tablespoon at any time of the day, most importantly, on an empty stomach.

The proposed version of the tincture is used as a fortifying agent, a drug for anemia, a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

Application of tincture on vodka from burdock seeds

This medicine is intended for external use in the form of compresses for osteochondrosis, joint pain, arthrosis, arthritis.


  1. Gather in autumn about 40 g of mature seeds of burdock age of not less than 2 years.
  2. In a glass vessel, combine the raw material and 500 ml of vodka.
  3. For 14 days, insist the mixture in the refrigerator, shaking it every day.
  4. Strain, use as directed.