Urethritis in women - symptoms and treatment of all types of disease

Urethritis in women, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed below, is a frequent inflammatory process. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the female genitourinary system. Let's consider more in detail a pathology, its or her reasons, attributes, we shall find out: than to treat a urethritis.

Urethritis - Causes

The causes of inflammation of the urethra, the urethra, are often due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Its small length in women, 1-2 cm, and a large width explains the mild infection of the genitourinary system. Depending on the nature of the origin of the pathogenic factor, urethritis is divided into infectious and non-infectious. The latter type of disease occurs when:

Infectious urethritis can be specific (caused by sexual infections) and nonspecific - a classic, purulent inflammation. As the causative agent, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus. Among the specific forms of pathology, there are such pathogens as:

Acute urethritis

Such a urethritis in women, the symptoms and treatment of which are named below, is 80% of the cases. This disease is characterized by a bright, sudden onset. There is a sharp deterioration in overall health: there are pain and rubbing in the lower abdomen, in the urethra area, urination becomes more frequent, body temperature rises. Directly so begins urethritis in women. Violation requires an early start of therapeutic interventions. Otherwise, there is a risk of spreading the infection further through the genitourinary system.

Chronic urethritis

When the inflammation of the urethra in women is not treated for a long time, the disease becomes chronic. At the same time, only 20 days can pass from the initial stage. In this case, the symptoms completely disappear and appear again only in the presence of certain factors:

Urethritis in women - symptoms

When urethritis develops, the symptoms of the disease are so marked that the patient can determine it independently. The disease always has an acute beginning. Against the background of general well-being there are strong cutting pains in the lower abdomen, urges to urinate. During a visit to the toilet, a woman feels uncomfortable - compressive, pulling pains. Soreness is often localized in the pubic area. Among other symptoms of the pathological process in the urethra:

Bacterial urethritis

Often inflammation of the urethra in women, the symptoms of which are named above, is provoked by bacteria, a conditionally pathogenic microflora. When favorable conditions for such microorganisms arise, their growth and reproduction increase. A predisposing factor in the development of this type of pathology may be:

The disease is characterized by its clinical picture. However, local signs of pathology do not have a vivid expression. A distinctive feature of bacterial urethritis is purulent or mucous discharge from the urethra. At the same time, minor mucosal edema, hyperemia of the external urethral opening, swelling of the vulva and nearby tissues are recorded.

Candidiasis urethritis

The signs of this type of urethritis are similar to the clinic of a disease such as thrush. Often directly this pathology provokes inflammatory changes in the urethra. Candid urethritis is seen by doctors as a complication of prolonged treatment with antibacterial agents. Change in the microflora of the vagina causes the growth of opportunistic pathogenic microflora, which is why the disease develops. A characteristic feature of the disease is the long absence of symptoms.

The first signs of pathology occur 10-20 days after the onset of the inflammatory process. The woman suddenly starts to worry about soreness in the lower abdomen, burning during urination. When examining the genitals, the patients show a whitish discharge from the urethral lumen. They have a viscous, thick consistency, cause mild itching, discomfort in the area of ​​the external genitalia.

Trichomonal Urethritis

This inflammation of the urethra, the symptoms of which are similar regardless of cause, type of pathogen, is caused by Trichomonas. This pathogen is the cause of the development of a sexual infection, such as trichomoniasis. Symptoms of the disease appear after 5-15 days from the moment the pathogen enters the body. The first thing that a woman pays attention to is itching in the groin area. After a short while, the discharges are added to it.

The volume of vaginal discharge is small - doctors describe them as moderate. A distinctive feature is a foamy character and a whitish shade. Over time, the number increases, which gives the woman discomfort. When you go to the doctor, a thorough diagnosis, a microscopy of the sample of the material, and sowing are carried out. In the study of native material, characteristic flagella of Trichomonas are found.

Nonspecific urethritis

Under this type of urethritis, it is customary to understand the usual inflammatory process in the urethra. Inflammation of the external sphincter of the urethra can cause such pathogenic microorganisms as streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli. Pathology develops under the influence of unfavorable conditions on the body:

Symptoms of this type of urethritis are similar to the rest. Because of this, the diagnosis can only be made after differential diagnosis:

Urethritis - tests

Inflammation of the urethra doctor can diagnose and with a normal gynecological examination. However, in order to establish the factor that triggered the pathology, a laboratory study is required. Before treating inflammation of the urethra, doctors use the following diagnostic methods:

From hardware diagnostic methods can be used:

Urethritis - treatment in women

To quickly eliminate urethritis, treatment must begin with the appearance of the first symptoms of pathology. The main, effective method is antibiotic therapy. Suppression of growth and reproduction of pathogenic microbes leads to extinction of symptoms, relief of general well-being and recovery. At the same time, all appointments are of an individual nature.

Urethritis in women, whose symptoms and treatment are discussed in the article, presupposes the selection of an antibiotic. To this end, the sensitivity of the pathogen to a specific group of drugs (seeding) should be determined. Based on the results of the study, the doctor prescribes a suitable antibacterial drug that acts directly on the urethritis pathogen. Treatment of chronic urethritis involves a decrease in clinical manifestations. Compliance with these dosages, the frequency of taking medication causes a rapid recovery.

Treatment of urethritis in women - drugs

Antibiotics for urethritis should be used exclusively in accordance with the prescription of the doctor. Directly the doctor indicates the name of the drug, its dosage and the frequency of administration. The choice of a medicine directly depends on the type of pathology and the type of pathogen. So with nonspecific urethritis antibiotics of a wide spectrum are used:

Specific urethritis in women, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in the article, requires the establishment of the type of pathogen, according to which the course of therapy is prescribed:

Urethritis - folk remedies

Talking about how to treat urethritis in women, as an additional remedy, doctors are advised to use medicinal plants. Effective in urethritis and inflammation of the urinary system are parsley and cornflower.

Infusion of parsley leaves


Preparation, use:

  1. Leaves are thoroughly washed, crushed.
  2. Pour boiled, cold water.
  3. Insist 1 night.
  4. Take 3 tbsp. spoons, every 2 hours.

Flowers of cornflower blue from urethritis


Preparation, use:

  1. Flowers without a basket filled with a glass of steep boiling water.
  2. Insist 1 hour.
  3. Filter and take 2 tablespoons. spoon, 2 times a day, before the next meal.

Leaves of black currant


Preparation, use:

  1. Leaves are well washed.
  2. They put them in enameled dishes and pour them with boiling water.
  3. Insist 30 minutes, filter. Take instead of drinking during the day.

Urethritis - consequences

Absence of therapy in this pathology is fraught with the spread of the inflammatory process on the genitourinary system. The bladder, uterus and appendages can be affected. The primary complications are

With the ascending spread of the disease, there are such gynecological diseases as:

Urethritis in women, whose symptoms and medication is caused by the pathogen, provokes disruption of the reproductive system. Urethritis, during pregnancy, arose, can adversely affect the process of gestation. At short terms, this disease can provoke disturbances in the development of the fetus. In late 2-3 trimester, urethritis becomes the cause: