Pink discharge in women

Discharge from the genital tract is always one of the most urgent problems for women. In general, their presence is quite normal and physiological. Moreover, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, their character and intensity change, which women usually notice. But if there are pink discharge from the vagina, are they normal? Or it is necessary to beat an alarm and rush to an appointment with a gynecologist?

Pink discharge: norm

In the middle of the cycle, the woman is ovulating - the exit of a mature egg from the ovary to the uterine cavity. There is a hormonal decline, the endometrium (inner layer of the mucous uterus) is rejected, which is manifested in this way - pink discharge with small blood veins. They are uninvited and short-lived. A woman watches such phenomena from cycle to cycle.

The appearance of pale pink discharge is also associated with the use of hormonal drugs (contraceptives or drugs) for a long time. The fact that they affect the production of hormones, and the hormonal background is changing. Such discharge can be observed when a woman has an intrauterine device. By the way, quite often with hormonal tablets and a spiral there are pink discharge instead of monthly or after them. This is considered quite normal and should not bother a woman. To sound an alarm is worth, if such a phenomenon is observed in the middle of the cycle - most likely this method of contraception simply does not suit you.

Pink discharge and delay most often indicate the onset of pregnancy. The daub is the result of planting a fertilized egg to the uterine cavity.

Pink discharge before the monthly for one day just signify their beginning.

What does pink discharge mean? Possible diseases

Unfortunately, the most likely cause of the emergence of such secretions are various diseases: infections, tumors, inflammations.

So, for example, if you observe a pink discharge after the act with a sexual partner, it bleeds the cervical erosion due to contact with the male's sexual organ. However, this happens as a result of microcracks in the vagina due to intense sexual relations.

If a pink discharge with odor and brown veins is found, a woman should also consult a doctor, since she most likely develops endometriosis, an inflammation of the layer that covers the uterine cavity.

The appearance of such secretion often indicates the infection of the genital organs. So, for example, whitish-pink curdled discharge with an acidic odor, accompanied by a tooth and burning in the perineum, are possible with thrush, a disease caused by Candida fungi. To clarify the diagnosis, a woman should take a urogenital scraping and a blood test for sexual infections.

Pink smearing discharge in expectant mothers, which with time strengthens and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, usually occur with the threat of interruption or ectopic pregnancy. Immediately call an ambulance, because untimely treatment can lead to miscarriage and even death.

Discharges of the same color are possible with diseases of the thyroid gland.

In the same way, that is, the appearance of pink discharge, the papillomas and polyps appear on the cervix of the uterus. In addition, if a daub can occur at the beginning, middle of the menstrual cycle, and also before the menstrual cycle, its presence indicates benign formations (fibroids, fibroids) and even malignant tumors and uterine cancer.

In any case, it is not necessary to guess, pink allocation at you is a norm or a pathology. When they appear, you need to visit a gynecologist who will conduct an examination, give directions for the delivery of all necessary analysis, which will make it possible to disclose a possible diagnosis.