Rash with meningitis

Meningitis is a disease that is an inflammatory lesion of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord (more often this term means inflammation of the soft membranes). This serious and dangerous disease can arise as a primary process, and as a complication of other pathologies.

The list of the main symptoms of the considered disease includes such manifestations:

Another symptom of meningitis in some cases is a rash. Consider what rashes on the skin can occur with meningitis.

What does the rash look like with meningitis?

As a rule, rashes appear with a lightning-fast form of meningitis caused by a bacterial flora (usually meningococci ). In this case, the rash is formed already in the first day of the onset of the disease. Its localization is first on the lower extremities, the lateral surfaces of the trunk, and in the future the whole surface of the body.

When meningitis, the rash is hemorrhagic, in the first hours it has the appearance of pink spots, after a while in the center of which there are small red hemorrhages. Subsequently, hemorrhages may Increase and acquire a violet color. To distinguish the rash caused by meningitis, from the inflammatory elements on the skin, you can use a glass cup. If you press the glass down to the rashes and they do not disappear and do not turn pale for a while, this will be evidence of a hemorrhagic rash.

In rare cases, the rash appears with viral meningitis, and then it can localize to the skin and mucous membranes of the whole body, have a different appearance. Therefore, if any type of rash occurs, especially accompanied by other disturbing symptoms, you should immediately call your doctor.