Capelin in batter

Capelin in batter - the dish is very tasty and satisfying. You can serve it both as a snack and as a full-fledged hot dish. We offer you several recipes, and you will choose for yourself more suitable.

C captain's recipe


For batter:


We wash the fish with cold water, remove all the insides. In a deep bowl, break the eggs and beat them, gradually pouring the milk. Next, pour in flour, spices to taste and mix well with a mixer. In the frying pan pour the oil, ignite a strong fire and warm it.

Then we put each fish into the batter , put it in a frying pan and fry it to a crusted crust on both sides. After that, spread it on a paper towel and leave it for 10 minutes to absorb the excess oil. We put the prepared fish in a dish, sprinkle with your favorite seasonings and serve it to the table.

Capelin, fried in batter



Moisture thoroughly washed and a little dried. In a separate bowl, beat the egg, sprinkle with flour, salt and pour in the milk. In a frying pan, we warm up the vegetable oil. Then alternately, each fish is lowered into cooked dumplings, and then put into a frying pan and fry over medium heat on each side for four minutes. We put the roasted capelin into a strainer to make the glass excess vegetable oil. The prepared dish is decorated with lemon slices and fresh parsley sprigs.

How to cook capelin in capelin?



Fish are thawed, washed, cut, a little salt and pepper to taste. Next, we turn to cooking batter: kefir beat with a chicken egg, pour in flour, pepper and a little salt. We mix everything thoroughly with a whisk.

Now we begin the most important process - the frying of fish. We immerse the fish completely in batter and lay it on the frying pan with the oil. Slightly reduce fire and fry capelin from two sides. Then cover with a lid and steam for another 5 minutes to crust. Ready to put the dish on a plate, sprinkle with fresh herbs and sprinkle with lemon juice at will.