Syrup Ibuprofen for children

When a child falls ill, this is a real stress for parents, especially if he suffers from a fever or a severe pain syndrome. One of the most effective drugs in the case of such painful conditions is the Ibuprofen syrup for children. It belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and its safety for use in crumbs is confirmed by clinical studies.

The ibuprofen syrup for children includes the substance ibuprofen in a concentration of 2 g per 100 ml, as well as auxiliary substances: orange syrup, sucrose, propylene glycol, aluminum silicate, glycerol, purified water, etc.

When is the syrup prescribed?

Children's syrup Ibuprofen should be sure to have in the home medicine chest, but take it only as prescribed by the doctor. Usually pediatricians prescribe it if the child is diagnosed with one of the following:

Syrup Ibuprofen for children is prescribed not only on the temperature, but also in case of headache and toothache, prolonged migraine, neuralgia, postoperative pain syndrome, stretching, dislocation or fracture.

How should I take Ibuprofen?

The drug is designed to treat children aged 6 months to 12 years. It is taken orally after meals, usually three times a day, if the doctor does not consider it necessary to increase the frequency of admission.

The dosage of syrup Ibuprofen for children is determined by the age and body weight of the small patient. The medicine is prescribed according to the following scheme:

It is desirable that between the doses of the medicine passed at least 6-8 hours. To exceed the maximum dose, equal to 20-30 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, is strictly not recommended.

Many mothers and fathers are interested in knowing how many children's syrup Ibuprofen works. As a rule, relief comes 30-40 minutes after ingestion.

If the temperature does not decrease during the specified time, it is not necessary to sound an alarm. The action of the drug, taken at the height of the fever, will manifest a little later - within an hour or two.

With a rapidly rising temperature, the syrup sometimes has to be given every 3-4 hours. Then it is better to alternate with antipyretic drugs from other groups: based on paracetamol (Kalpol, Efferalgan, Panadol), analgin (Analdim) or to resort to folk remedies: cool rubbing and enemas.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Syrup should not be taken if the baby is diagnosed with:

Until the age of 3 months, use of this drug is also prohibited.

Analogues of Ibuprofen

The medicine is not always at hand in case of urgent need. It can be replaced by the following analogues with the same active substance: