Radiculitis - symptoms and treatment at home

In the intervals between the vertebrae there are very sensitive nerve roots. When they are infringed and inflamed due to osteochondrosis or trauma, radiculitis develops - the symptoms and treatment of the home of this disease is easy to identify and develop at an early stage. However, in severe cases, when neither standard nor alternative therapy does not help for more than 4 months, the help of a qualified surgeon is required.

Symptoms and treatment of lumbar radiculitis at home

The described form of the disease is correctly called lumbosacral radiculitis. Its main sign is a pain syndrome, which is localized in the lower back, gives to the hips, buttocks and even feet. Typically, this symptom occurs when walking and bending, can become dull during the day and abruptly resume during physical activity.

Other clinical manifestations of lumbosacral radiculitis:

Also, patients note that it is difficult for them to stay in one position for a long time, especially to stand.

The basis of therapy of any radiculitis is complete rest and removal of inflammation. An anesthetized nerve can be anointed by taking appropriate medications (Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Nimesulide) or by lubricating the lower back with locally irritating agents ( Capsicum , Deep-Relief).

A similar action is provided by the rubbing recommended by folk healers.

The recipe for an analgesic mixture


Preparation and use

Warm the vegetable oil, mix it with a squirrel. Rinse the waist with the mixture 2-3 times a day, pre-shake the composition.

After relieving the inflammation, it is necessary to visit the physiotherapy procedures prescribed by the doctor, to do massage with the extension of the spine (only for the graduate), to perform the recommended gymnastics.

Treatment of cervical radiculitis with folk remedies at home

With this type of disease, the main symptom is also pain, but it is felt in the back of the neck and neck, is significantly strengthened during movements and turns, head inclinations.

Additional features:

There is also cervico-brachial radiculitis, which inflames the nerve roots not only of the neck, but also of the shoulders. In this case, the pain syndrome extends to the upper parts of the hands, there may be a worsening of the sensitivity of the limbs, a tingling sensation on the skin.

Conservative therapy with cervico-brachial radiculitis and all the other varieties discussed below is the same as in the lesion of the lumbosacral section.

Of the folk remedies, a compress based on black radish helps best. Vegetables must be grinded, spread the mass along the gauze dressing and attach to the painful areas. The warming effect is enhanced by wrapping the wrap with a woolen scarf or any warm cloth.

Than to treat thoracal radiculitis at home?

This form of pathology is characterized by girdling pain in the region of the chest and the center of the back (between the shoulder blades), it gives into the hands and ribs.

Concomitant symptoms:

Supplement to drug therapy can be a remedy for traditional medicine based on garlic.

Compress Recipe


Preparation and use

Peel and boil whole cloves of garlic, grind them into a homogeneous mass. Kashitsu smear on the gauze cut and attach to the back, warm cellophane and woolen cloth. Wear a compress the whole day.

It is also recommended to treat the symptoms of thoracic radiculitis with exercises and gymnastics at home. But physical education is allowed only after relief of acute pain and inflammation.