How to have fun with sex?

In the confidential conversations of girlfriends, a phrase like "I do not experience pleasure from sex" can often sound. Many believe that if sex does not bring pleasure, it is only because nature itself mother did not reward with some kind of necessary mechanism or temperament. In fact, in order to enjoy the intimate life, not so much is important physiology, how many circumstances.

How to have fun with sex?

If we consider that people use sex for pleasure, it is very insulting to realize that this main component is for some reason absent. However, in order to solve this problem once and for all, it is sometimes enough to pay attention to the following factors on which it directly depends, what pleasure you get from sex and whether you get it at all.

  1. Partner. Still, for a woman, sex is for the most part emotionally perceived process, and therefore the relationship with a partner is very important. Some people after sex get sex the hottest, while others, on the contrary, lose the desire. In addition, one person suits you more, another less, and if with someone you do not have an orgasm, perhaps the reason why there is no pleasure from sex is precisely the inappropriate partner.
  2. Prelude. How to prolong pleasure in sex, if not attract foreplay? Pretty hard. It is important to find something from which you will simply frost through the skin from desire. For every woman, these are completely different things - someone suffices a kiss in a whirl, and someone needs more serious activities.
  3. Relaxation. If a woman has a "dangerous day", or a lot of problems at work, or resentment for any reason, it will certainly affect the quality of her sex. You need to be able to relax and concentrate only on the process itself.
  4. Conversation. With a regular partner it is necessary to discuss regularly all successful and unsuccessful moves that will make it much easier for you to do you pleasant. Yes, and pleasure for a man in sex you with this practice will deliver much easier.
  5. Diversity. You can diversify your relationship by changing poses, changing the situation, changing clothes, and a lot of things that will renew the relationship and make your heart beat more often. Over time, ordinary sex, even with the most beloved partner is boring, and this is an excellent option to have fun.

Usually women who have no problems with each of these five items never complain about problems in their intimate life - simply because they do not have them.

Female mistakes in bed

It is quite difficult to realize that the reason for the lack of orgasm in a woman is her own behavior in bed.

  1. Consider the main mistakes that not only do not like men, but also do not give pleasure to women themselves.
  2. Conversation in bed. Girls who seek to comment too much in bed, do not have time to enjoy all the conversations. The same applies to overly passionate passion in the manner of porn actresses.
  3. Excessively active position. A woman who constantly manages the process, not only frightens a man, but also does not have time to have fun. It's not worth to give up on it at all, but to manage every gesture, too.
  4. Cold behavior. If a woman thinks that she should not show her pleasure, she is mistaken. Why is all this then generally necessary, why does your partner try for you, if you keep an overly serious person? ..
  5. Unsupported. If you do not have time to shave the bikini zone, it will spoil both the impression of the partner, and your personal feelings. Take care of such things in advance.

Do not forget that modesty should be anywhere, but not in the bedroom. Everything that two people do is normal and correct, if both enjoy it.