Red oranges are good and bad for health

It would seem that it can be more ordinary than an orange? But even these fruits are able to surprise, for example, not everyone knows about the presence of a bloody congenital orange ball. But how useful are red oranges, is it worth chasing an unusual color or is it better to prefer long-familiar fruits?

What is the difference between a red and an orange?

They grow such fruits in Morocco, the USA, China and Spain, and the name is due to a deep shade of pulp and a crimson peel. The fruit is slightly less than the usual oranges, and the taste is quite different. It combines fantastic citrus strawberries, raspberries and grapes. Because of the aroma of the peel in cooking, it is used, and not just the flesh, attention is paid to the flowers of the red orange. Fruits are eaten fresh, use their juice, crushed rind is added to meat, fish or liqueurs, flowers are decorated with dishes and added to them to give the taste of the original shade.

The benefits and harm of red oranges for health

Advantageously different from their fellow fruit is not only the original taste and tempting color, in them and the necessary elements of the body much more. For example, one red fruit contains a daily norm of vitamin C. Also there are vitamins A, B, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium, as well as antioxidants - the right defenders against free radicals.

Thanks to such a richness of substances important for health, scientists have thought about the benefits and harm of red oranges. Their studies showed a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, restore normal pressure and improve mental activity. A high calcium content helps maintain the health of teeth and bones, and beta-carotene in combination with thiamine protects cells from damage and facilitates easier energy production from food.

On this list, than useful red oranges, do not end. They provide powerful support for immunity, combat inflammations and viruses, and contribute to the production of hemoglobin . Such abilities allow using fruit in the treatment of rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Lovers of red oranges will be able to note improvement in digestion, stimulation of appetite, lowering fatigue, cholesterol and swelling. By eliminating toxins, the body becomes more enduring and resistant to different loads. Juice helps with anemia, colds diseases, atherosclerosis, colitis, constipation, tumors and flatulence, and also perfectly disinfects the entire oral cavity. In addition, the calorie content of the fruit is very low (36 kcal per 100 grams), so they can be a good assistant in the fight against obesity.

But do not be tempted to recklessly use the benefits of red oranges for health, they can cause harm with gastritis with high acidity and ulcers. A large amount of sugar also imposes a restriction on the consumption of such fruits. Also, do not abuse red oranges in case of allergy and during breastfeeding.