How to drown out the feeling of hunger?

The first thing that makes itself felt during a diet is a feeling of hunger. The body protests in connection with a sharp change in the diet, and, especially, in its caloric content. You have taught yourself to eat tightly, therefore, now it is painfully to retrain. True, the process can be made less painful, because there are several excellent ways to drown out the feeling of hunger.


If you two times a day fly into your share of the diet, do not be surprised that you are hungry . The first rule is how to muffle the hunger reads - eat small portions, stretching food intake and not letting the stomach be empty.


Water is the best way to stop hunger. Remember: water is more important than eating, even if you do not want to drink. We train ourselves to eat when we really need to drink. At the same time, the daily norm of fluid intake is reduced, which means that the metabolism and digestion rate worsen.

Drink just before eating a glass of still water - let it be the rule, not the will. After eating, after an hour, drink a glass of water again. When you work, keep a bottle next to water and from time to time make a sip - let it be your habit.

Deceiving Hunger

There is also a way to drown out hunger in the evening without damaging the figure. If even water does not help, you need to start preparing a specific salad - from parsley, dill, celery and basil. Herbs can be slightly salted and sprinkled with lemon juice. Such a salad can be eaten in unlimited quantities, though because of the spicy taste, you will not master more than 1 serving, but drown out hunger.

Foods against hunger

Pineapple or grapefruit can safely replace the caloric snack and drown out hunger. Both fruits are very saturated and, in spite of low caloric content, create a feeling of satiety. True, a long time to play with your hunger, interrupting it with fruits can not. So you can "starve" to gastritis.