Kvass from oats - useful properties

Kvass is a completely natural and primordially Russian drink, valued not only for its taste, but also for its excellent useful qualities. There are many different options for making this refreshing drink. Kvass from oats perfectly quenches thirst, and its useful properties are due to the composition of the main ingredient.

How useful is kvass from oats?

Kvass from oats is cooked in the same way as ordinary bread, but instead of rye gorbushes use this useful cereal. If you have wondered if kvas from oats is useful, pay attention to the properties that its main ingredient possesses. This cereal contains a complex of necessary nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), vitamins (groups B and PP), as well as microelements and organic acids.

The use of oat kvass reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the content of blood sugar and cholesterol, it charges the body with energy. The protein, contained in kvass from oats, gives its useful properties for the restoration of body tissues. Vitamins of group B and PP have a beneficial effect on the metabolism and nervous system, have antioxidant properties. Organic acids that make up oats help to strengthen the nails, bones and hair of a person.

Useful properties of kvass from oats are used in folk medicine. As it raises the vitality of the body, oat kvass is recommended with a decrease in appetite, apathy, fatigue, weakness. Useful kvass from oats and children - it is an excellent alternative to shop lemonades and helps with beriberi.

Recommended oats kvass and people who want to lose weight . In addition to accelerating the metabolism, this drink improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract and helps to remove toxins and toxins.

Contraindications to the use of kvass from oats

Oat kvass is not recommended for those suffering from chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, liver disease, gout, enteritis, colitis and from increased acidity in the body.