Seborrheic Eczema

According to research of scientists, a huge number of people suffer from this disease. Its beginning seborrheic eczema takes from neglected seborrhea and, like it, prefers those places on the body where the main sebaceous glands are located.

Causes and Symptoms of Seborrheic Eczema

The disease is most common in older people, but can occur even in infants. Quite often, seborrheic eczema occurs during puberty.

The causes of the development of the disease are hyperactive sebaceous glands, a change in the hormonal background, serious metabolic disorders , abnormal endocrine system work, vitamin deficiency, poor immunity, chronic fatigue, dysbiosis, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder. Eczema "likes" to manifest itself in the cold season, since it is then that a person suffers from a deficiency of zinc in the body. The absence of this element in the diet is also one of the reasons for the appearance of the disease.

Symptoms may differ depending on which part of the body is affected. If the location of the localization is on the head, the patient can see yellowish scales on the scalp. If you delete them, you will get wounded. Hair from a patient with eczema always looks greasy, unwashed, even despite constant care.

Seborrheic eczema on the face is recognized by the rash, redness, dry skin , reaching up to peeling and cracks. These symptoms cause burning, itching, sensations of tightness of the skin and, of course, an ugly cosmetic defect.

Seborrheic skin eczema, if left untreated, can take a more severe form. So, if you suspect the presence of this disease, then urgently consult a doctor.

How to treat seborrheic eczema?

There are several treatment options. First of all, it is a medical method. The drugs prescribed by the doctor depend on the cause of the disease. Among the drugs can be anti-inflammatory, antiseboric, antimycotic, hormonal drugs, antibiotics. For the treatment of uncomplicated forms apply Nizoral, Zinerit, Skin-cap preparations, Betamethasone, Ketotifen.

Show during the therapy degreasing procedures - such as rubbing meta damage with alcohol, salicylic acid or processing with a special powder or talcum powder. It is recommended to treat the marks with greenery. Treatment of seborrheic eczema is a long process and you need to tune in, do not give up. The positive effect will be achieved, it's just a matter of time.

Treatment of seborrheic eczema on the face is supplemented by careful care. Be sure to wash two or three times a day, applying funds for oily skin. Adhere to proper nutrition: refuse at least for the duration of therapy from fatty, spicy foods, sweets.

These same rules should also be applied for the treatment of seborrheic eczema of the head.

Another way to get rid of the disease is to turn to folk medicine. She has some tips on how to cure seborrheic eczema. For the preparation of the most simple means, you need to take the potatoes, rub it, put the gruel into cotton cloth and apply it to the affected areas. The head can be moistened with potato juice, leave for a while such a mask, then wash off.

An excellent remedy is grated garlic, mixed with honey. You can mix 1 tbsp. spoon of tar and apple bite and 3 tbsp. spoons of fish oil, wrap the medicine in a clean napkin and apply to seborrhea. It is believed that even cabbage leaves soaked in vinegar give a result. Actively used for the preparation of various means of calendula, chamomile, and guelder rose, i.e. herbs and berries, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.