Papillomas in the mouth

A fairly common complaint of patients of the otorhinolaryngological department is a tuberous tumor in the tongue, the inner side of the cheek or the sky. Papillomas in the mouth are easily detected, both by the person himself and by the doctor during the examination. They can also bleed, hurt with mechanical damage, interfere with the process of chewing and swallowing food.

Why does papilloma form in the mouth?

The cause of this tumor is the human papillomavirus. Most of the time he is in a "sleeping" state. The following factors can activate the disease:

It is worth noting that the papilloma in the mouth in the sky, tongue or cheek surface does not grow with all strains of the virus. The localization of the growths in the described zone is characteristic of HPV types 2, 6, 11, 18 and 30.

Treatment of papilloma in the mouth

The only effective way to get rid of tumors is to remove them. It is carried out by such methods:

Considering the impossibility of complete cure of HPV, after radical therapy, supportive measures are needed. Medicamentous treatment consists in the appointment of immunomodulating and antiviral drugs:

The two most effective medicines are Panavir and Famvir. During the research, they showed the strongest antiviral activity.

For preventive maintenance of relapses the planned vaccination with a preparation of Gardasil is carried out.

Treatment of papilloma in the mouth with folk remedies

Self-therapy of tuberous tumors on the mucous membranes is ineffective and even dangerous.

Non-traditional methods of removing such growths can provoke their mutation, active growth and spread to other sites of mucous membranes, the subsequent degeneration of papillomas into malignant neoplasm. Therefore, any folk remedies are strictly prohibited.