Kefir-buckwheat diet

Diets on porridges are very popular, as they are low-cost and more or less familiar to our body. We suggest considering such an option as kefir-buckwheat diet. This option refers to mono-diets with a low carbohydrate content. The essence of this diet is based on cleansing the body with kefir and saturation with vitamins and microelements, which are in the croup. Kefir-buckwheat diet for weight loss lasts for a week, but there are longer options, but they should not be used. Thanks to this type of weight loss you can get rid of 10 kg of excess weight, as well as you cleanse the body, improve the work of your intestines and stomach.


You can prepare groats for this diet in two ways:

Let's look at a few mandatory recommendations:

  1. Kefir always use fresh, it is best to give your preference to fat-free or one-percent option. A dairy product that has a shelf life of 5 days is best not to buy, since the necessary amount of calcium can be obtained only from fresh yogurt.
  2. Before use, you need to prepare the groats: clean it of debris and rinse under running water several times.
  3. If you chose the second option for weight loss, you need to leave the buckwheat drenched with kefir for the night. But in general, nutritionists recommend choosing the option in which the grain should be steamed in boiling water, since raw buckwheat with kefir can bring not benefit to your body, but harm.
  4. Steamed croup does not need to be seasoned with butter, as it does not need to use salt and any condiments.
  5. On the day it is recommended to consume not more than 1 liter of kefir. In order not to get dehydrated, drink at least 1 liter of water every day, as well as tea, but without sugar.
  6. It is necessary to exclude bread and other types of baking.
  7. At a time you need to eat no more than 200 g, and before eating it is recommended to drink 1 glass of water.

Now let's look at several options for a menu of kefir-buckwheat diet for weight loss.

Option number 1

For a day you need to drink 1 liter of kefir and as much as necessary buckwheat. In general, every day you need to eat 6 times. The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime. When you go to sleep, you can drink 1 cup of kefir. Drink about 2 liters of clean water daily.

Option number 2

For breakfast, cook 1 bowl of buckwheat, eat 125 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat and drink 1 cup of tea without sugar. At lunch you can eat 1 A plate of porridge and vegetable salad, which you can fill with a small amount of olive oil. In the period between lunch and dinner, drink 1 cup of kefir. For dinner, prepare a bowl of buckwheat, vegetable stew and a small piece of fish that you cook or cook for a couple.

It is best to adhere to such a kefir-buckwheat diet not for 14 days, but only 7. And finally consider what contraindications are available for such a variant of losing weight. If you have diabetes mellitus, stomach problems, hypertension, it is better not to resort to this method of losing weight. Pregnant women should not lose weight on buckwheat and kefir. From such a diet, you need to go out gradually and after completely changing your diet. And be sure to consult with your doctor before resorting to kefir-buckwheat diet for weight loss.