5 months baby

Five months is the age when a baby from a sweet little puppy gradually turns into a clever little man. He already shows his parents that he understands the basic sounds that make up his native language.

Skills and abilities

When the baby turns 5 months old, he starts actively developing his conversational skills, constantly repeating individual syllables. Especially parents are pleased with "ma-ma" and "pa-pa". It is necessary to respond to these attempts, turning lessons with a child of 5 months into a fun game that helps the child to appreciate the importance of communication. The kid already understands that his desires can be expressed not only with tears, but with a smile, an ingratiating glance. Fun games with a child of 5 months can be arranged literally with any object or thing. Infectious laughter when looking at my mother because of the sheets is provided. Games are useful to combine with physical exercises for a child of 5 months (alternate bending of hands, legs, mixing and hip dilution, light massage). Good mood and good for the baby's body are guaranteed. And this is not all that the child can do in 5 months, continuing to actively explore the world. Rattles no longer fall out of the handles, the child consciously examines them and, of course, tastes. These skills of the child in 5 months may seem like an adult trifle, but for him - it's a feat.


In most cases, the child's regimen at 5 months consists of three two-hour periods of sleep, a ten-hour night's sleep and 4-5 feedings. Observe it is not only important, but also quite convenient: the kid is calm, full, active, and my mother can plan their affairs. If the regime has not yet been worked out, direct efforts to correct it. Kids do not understand the hands on the watch, but if several days after the bath followed by feeding, and then a dream, then one day his eyes will close immediately after bathing. Rituals - that's what allows you to set the mode.


The natural feeding of the child in 5 months should be continued. It is better if breastfeeding lasts at least a year. Mother's milk is the main food of the baby in 5 months, which is full. If the child is an artificer, then you can start experiments with lure. Here the opinions of pediatricians diverge. Some believe that it is worth starting with sour-milk products, others recommend vegetable purees, third gluten-free cereals. The only thing that everyone agrees is the amount of new food. It should be minimal. The goal of the mother is not to feed the new product of the child, but to introduce it to the taste. The baby can also be given water and tea.


It is during this period that the baby can become moody, lose appetite or vice versa for hours on the mother's breast. The reason for this behavior is, of course, not the upbringing of the child in 5 months, not his whims, but penetrating teeth. To help the child to get rid of discomfort, you can lubricate the gum with a special gel-anesthetic. Also a good effect gives the massage of the gums with a finger. For this, a special tip is put on it in the form of a soft brush.

Physical development

The kid continues to gain weight and grow. So, the growth of the child in 5 months reaches 64-66 centimeters. Of course, these indicators are conditional and a deviation from the generally accepted norm of several centimeters is allowed. And the weight of the baby in 5 months makes 6,4-6,7 kgs. Here the main indicator is, actually not the weight itself, but the monthly increase. So, for the last month the child should gain 600-800 grams. Children who are on artificial feeding, weight can gain faster.