Restless legs syndrome - treatment

Restless legs syndrome is a neurological disease that manifests itself in uncomfortable sensations in the legs during rest. These feelings are so unpleasant that they force a person to make constant movements with his feet at night and cause insomnia .

According to surveys, this disorder is observed in 10% of the population, the percentage rises with age, the most affected group are people of retirement age, women are almost three times as likely.

Causes of Restless Leg Syndrome

The occurrence of Restless Leg Syndrome has certain causes. The first mention of the disease dates back to the 17th century, and over the years, researchers have identified the main causal factors. These include:

The above reasons refer to the emergence of secondary RLS, that is, it arises as a consequence of another disease or condition. Secondary form often occurs in people older than 45 years. But there is also a primary (idiopathic) restless leg syndrome. This variety occurs more often at a young age after 20 years, and not the last place in its occurrence is given to hereditary factors.

Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome

The classic symptoms of restless legs syndrome include complaints of unpleasant sensations at rest. They appear more often in the evening and are manifested by itching, stiffness, raspiranie, pressure, "goose bumps", stitching sensations in the legs and occasionally pain, often below the knees. Night convulsions are possible. In half the cases, the symptoms are manifested differently in the legs - in terms of localization and severity, and can be one-sided.

Thus the person feels an acute need to make any movements with his legs - bend-unbend, massage, rub, shake, stand or resemble. After making such movements, the symptoms weaken for a short time. Since they are manifested more often at night, this greatly complicates the process of falling asleep and leads to constant spills at night. Due to a disease, also called Rakhat Lukum syndrome, a person does not get enough sleep and suffers from daytime drowsiness and a worsening of concentration.

Treatment of Restless Leg Syndrome

To determine how to properly treat restless legs syndrome, the doctor will ask the patient to undergo a series of examinations. The collection of anamnesis, analyzes and neurological studies allow us to determine the primary or secondary nature of the RLS course, which sets the direction of treatment. One such study is polysomnography. This is a procedure during which the patient sleeps one night in a separate ward, and removes special equipment on video and records the EEG on 4 channels.

When determining the secondary nature of the RLS current, the main therapy is aimed at eliminating the root cause.

In both types of RLS, a person who is sick is recommended to increase the level of daily exercise, walk on the air before going to bed and take a contrast shower. Also recommended diet with the exclusion of exciting products - coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, alcohol. It is necessary to refuse and smoking.

Treatment of primary restless leg syndrome in some cases involves the use of medical devices. The doctor begins with the appointment of herbal sedatives. With persistent sleep disorders, chemical sedatives are prescribed.