Runny nose in pregnancy - the causes and the safest treatment

On late gestation, the runny nose often gives Mom a lot of inconvenience. This symptom is often seen by doctors as a sign of respiratory illness. However, the runny nose during pregnancy can also be of an independent nature.

Runny nose in pregnancy - reasons

In their practice, doctors who watch for pregnancy, often diagnosed with rhinitis in pregnant women. It should be noted that the first cause of its appearance is the weakening of the body's immune forces. This confirms the frequency of occurrence of the common cold in women at a low gestational age. With an increase in the susceptibility of the organism to infections and viruses, even a slight hypothermia can result in an acute respiratory viral infection . Among other reasons causing a runny nose during pregnancy, it is necessary to name:

  1. Changing the hormonal background. With the onset of the process of bearing the baby in the female body, synthesis of progesterone increases. This hormone partially promotes fluid retention in tissues, resulting in a runny nose. At the same time, nothing disturbs a woman - coughing, aches in joints, headaches, characteristic for ARVI, are absent. Edema of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, provoked by a change in the hormonal background, can occur both at an early and late date.
  2. Dryness of mucous membranes. In the course of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother has an increase in the volume of circulating blood. A woman and a future baby - for the duration of his stay in the womb - creates a single circulatory system. This increases the stress on the blood vessels. The increase in the volume of mucus produced can also be caused by too dry air in the room.
  3. Allergic reactions. During pregnancy, the susceptibility of the organism to allergens increases.
  4. Features of the anatomy of the nasal cavity. The rhinitis of the patient with curvature of the nasal septum is more common.
  5. Diseases of the upper respiratory system. The presence of polyps, sinusitis, adenoiditis is often accompanied by the appearance of a cold.

Acute rhinitis in pregnancy

Acute rhinitis in pregnant women occurs more often due to the presence in the body of viruses, infectious agents. Often the acute form of rhinitis is considered by doctors as a symptom of ARVI, acute respiratory disease, influenza . There are also factors that have the origin of this form of the disease:

Symptomatic of acute rhinitis depends on the stage of the disease. It starts with the fact that a woman feels discomfort in the nasal cavity - excessive dryness, burning, constant itching. Breathing becomes heavier, the perception of odors is disturbed. With the further development of the disease, the virus multiplies in the nasal cavity, there are abundant mucous discharge from the nose. Symptomatics is accompanied by the appearance of a headache, a violation of overall well-being, a decrease in appetite. The third stage is possible in the absence of therapy. Appear:

Chronic rhinitis in pregnancy

In the absence of necessary therapy, complete inactivity, the disease becomes chronic. Chronic rhinitis in pregnant women is more likely to develop if there is a woman in the anamnesis:

It is worth noting that a chronic rhinitis during pregnancy can be triggered by the use of a certain number of drugs that the woman used before her onset. Thus, the frequent use of vasoconstrictive drops adversely affects the mucosa. Vessels lose the ability to self-contract, resulting in a constant release of mucus from the nasal passages. Chronic rhinitis can also be caused by the influence of irritating factors:

The chronic form of rhinitis has its own distinctive features. The main symptoms of this disorder are:

Allergic rhinitis in pregnancy

This form of rhinitis is characterized by the development of the reaction from the immune system when exposed to the body allergens. They can be:

Because of the weakening of the immune system, allergic rhinitis in pregnant women is common. In this symptomatology differs from the classical periodicity. Symptoms of allergy can be fixed at certain stages of pregnancy and disappear on their own. Often, after the elimination of the allergenic agent, signs of allergic rhinitis disappear. The main manifestations of this form of the disease are:

Vasomotor rhinitis in pregnancy

This type of rhinitis is not associated with infection or allergy. In such cases, a runny nose is caused by:

Vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women is often provoked by a change in the concentration of sex hormones. It is more often fixed in later periods, when the edema of the nasal mucosa occurs because of the high concentration of estrogens. The rhinitis is of a permanent nature, the mucous discharge from the nose is transparent, not plentiful. Additional symptoms are completely absent.

Is the rhinitis dangerous during pregnancy?

By itself rhinitis during pregnancy does not pose a danger to the baby and the future mother. Another situation where the runny nose is only a symptom of the presence of ARVI, an infection of the upper respiratory tract. If there is a headache on the background of mucous secretions from the nasal cavity, the body temperature rises, the state of health worsens, the pregnant woman should consult the doctor who is watching her.

Runny nose during pregnancy - 1 trimester

At short periods, a runny nose in pregnant women often becomes a reason for the experiences of a future mother. But to sound the alarm is only if the rhinitis has a viral origin, accompanies the disease. In this case, there is a probability of penetration of the pathogen into the bloodstream. This is fraught with the development of complications, among which spontaneous abortion. In addition, the cause provoked a runny nose can change the correctness of the process of intrauterine development.

However, the greatest concern of doctors is not the runny nose in pregnancy, but the breathing disorder in a future mother. Because of the stuffy nose and runny nose, the amount of oxygen that enters the body decreases, and the baby gets less than it. As a result of such changes, the risk of developing hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the fetus , adversely affecting its development - increases.

Runny nose during pregnancy - 2 trimester

When a runny nose in a pregnant woman does not last a long time, you need to see a doctor. Rhinitis, which lasts for several weeks, can affect the development of the future baby. With an increase in the period, the placenta compensatory capacity decreases, so the lack of oxygen directly affects the health of the fetus. In addition, it should be borne in mind that breathing through the mouth with a blocked nose significantly increases the risk of developing SARS in a pregnant woman.

Runny nose during pregnancy - 3 trimester

Runny nose in pregnant women is less dangerous in later periods, but one can not help paying attention to this phenomenon. The general deterioration of the state of health of a woman in the situation may adversely affect the process of delivery. In addition, there is a high risk of fetal hypoxia, which is especially dangerous in later terms. The placenta no longer increases in size, does not grow, so it can not compensate itself for lack of incoming oxygen. The situation requires constant monitoring by doctors.

Than to treat a cold at pregnancy?

Like any therapeutic process at this time, the treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy should be done after consulting a doctor. Independent use of medicines is unacceptable, since there is a risk of complications. Before curing a runny nose during pregnancy, the doctor needs to establish the cause that caused it. In accordance with this, therapy is prescribed.

Drops from the common cold for pregnant women

The question of which drops during pregnancy can be from the common cold, often interested in expectant mothers. Doctors, when answering it, draw the attention of pregnant women to the inadmissibility of using medicines that constrict blood vessels. Most drops from the common cold have this effect. As a result of their prolonged use, there is a possibility of fetal hypoxia. The general effect of use extends to the vessels of the placenta, nutrients and oxygen to a lesser extent arrive at the baby.

However, with severe nasal congestion, some doctors allow once a day to use vasoconstrictive drops from the common cold during pregnancy. Thus it is necessary to choose medicines in a children's dosage. Duration of application should not exceed 4 days. Among the prescribed drops for the nose:

Spray from the common cold for pregnant women

This form of the drug, like spray, greatly facilitates its use. Treatment of a runny nose in pregnant women allows the use of seaweed sprays. They can be used without restrictions, at any gestation period. By promoting the cleansing of the nasal cavity, nasal agents prevent the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, excluding the possibility of infection.

Among the common sprays for the nose, eliminating a runny nose in the current pregnancy, we can distinguish:

Inhalation in pregnancy from colds

Telling about how to treat a cold in pregnant women, it is necessary to allocate such procedure, as inhalation. It helps to reduce the amount of mucus to be separated and quickly restore the patency of the nasal passages. Essential oils are used to increase the efficiency of manipulation. Good for inhalation:

Inhalations of steam are carried out 3-4 times a day. Contraindication for their implementation is an increase in body temperature, which is observed when an infection is attached. To increase the efficiency before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages: blow your nose and remove the crusts. The duration of 1 session should not exceed 10 minutes.

Folk remedies for the common cold to pregnant women

In search of an answer to the question of what can be pregnant from a cold, future mothers often resort to folk recipes. It should be borne in mind that any remedy for the common cold for pregnant women should pass an agreement with the doctor. Even "Zvezdochka", when used for pregnancy, can cause an allergic reaction.

Broth of a dogrose


Preparation, application

  1. Dry heather inflorescence is poured over with boiling water.
  2. Insist 30 minutes.
  3. After straining take inward 150 ml of broth 3 times a day.

Plantain from the cold


Preparation, use:

  1. The grass is poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist 1 hour.
  3. Filter and take inside, dividing the volume into 2-3 doses.