Chicken on the leg

On the leg, the boil appears as a result of the lesion of the hair follicle with golden staphylococcus . Purulent formation is accompanied by pain and often prevents walking, because he loves to hit his toes.

Causes of chiri on the legs

On legs chiri appear most often as a result:

On the feet a large amount of dust accumulates and a simple scratching can lead to the infection of a small scratch. Especially high risk of the appearance of boil on the toes, feet, shins of athletes, as well as people suffering from diabetes .

Treatment of boil on the leg at home

If it is a question of the constant occurrence of inflammation, it is necessary to contact a medical institution. In the case of a single boil, one can resort to popular ways of getting rid of the problem. Here's how you can treat the boil:

  1. It is recommended to fill in the soiled laundry soap with milk. The mixture is warmed over low heat, not forgetting to stir for 1.5 hours. After the due time, a mass will appear, reminiscent of the consistency of sour cream. The inflamed skin is treated with an improvised ointment and bandaged with a sterile bandage. Perform the procedure is every day before the breakthrough of the abscess.
  2. A fresh leaf of aloe is pounded and applied to the diseased area. The compress is changed several times a day.
  3. From a small amount of honey and rye flour prepare a cake, which is applied to the boil on the leg in the form of a compress.
  4. To clean the blood, chop the horses and the green of the dandelion. Steam 10g of raw material with a glass of boiling water and stand for 3 hours. The finished infusion is filtered off. Take the drug is laid 5 times a day, drinking a tablespoon.

If folk recipes have not helped, it's worth visiting a doctor.