Home decoration for your home

Make your home cozy - one of the main tasks of each hostess, and here, as it is impossible by the way, there will be handicraft skills. For example, you can decorate the living room with cute decor items, using any technique - from quilling to decoupage . Caskets, amulets, cute vases, topiary, decorative panels, paintings and photo frames - a very modest list of how you can decorate your house. Master crafts can be with the active participation of children - this will make the creative process both exciting and cognitive.

Learning how to make jewelry with your own hands is actually very easy. Do not buy expensive materials for such crafts; the simplest items that are always at hand, will be the best for decorating your home! So, today we will practice with you to make a frame for photos in the "sea" style.

Decoration for the house by own hands - a frame with seashells

  1. If you like beach holidays on the sea, then at home, no doubt, there is even a small collection of seashells and pebbles. Find them a practical application is easy: you can decorate them with the future "marine" photo frame!
  2. First of all, you need to sort: in one box, fold large, superficially similar to each other shells (preferably one color), and in the other place a variety of shells smaller.
  3. As a basis for the frame any material - from wooden shelves to a ceiling plinth made of foam plastic - is suitable. An interesting option is a wooden frame, knocked down or glued from many small planks. Such a workpiece should be primed with white paint and - if desired - painted in a gentle pastel shade. At the same time, keep in mind: if you used nails or screws to fasten the frame, then before the primer, the frame should be better sanded and the roughnesses should be rubbed with wood putty. After that, dry your workpiece.
  4. So the fun begins - namely, the decoration of the wooden frame by the gifts of the sea. From the first box with large seashells choose the most successful specimens, even and without chips. Beautifully and symmetrically arrange them on the frame to find out how many pieces you will need and how to best glue them. Use any glue of your choice (universal, pva, adhesive thermo gun or any other).
  5. Do not be afraid if the shells will stick out in different directions, going beyond the perimeter of the rectangle of the frame - in a sense it's even good, since this move will maximally close the wooden surface of the frame. In this case, the inner rectangle can remain visible, performing the role of a unique mat. As for the photo itself, the ideal option will be a photo where you relax in the very resort from which the collection of seashells was brought. Such a frame will please the eye, always reminding of the warm summer.
  6. If, after the manufacture of the craft, you have large seashells or sea stones, choose from them some of the most suitable ones and complete the composition with them. As one of the options, you can choose decorative candles made of shells, also made by yourself. Such an installation in the interior will perform a decorative role rather than a practical one.

As you can see, from the simplest materials you can make original decorations for the house.