Mastopathy - Causes

Many women are familiar with the disease, such as mastopathy, which is the development in the tissues of mammary glands of pathological growths.

This disease is more often experienced by women aged 18 to 45 years (that is, in reproductive). The highest incidence of mastopathy is observed in the age range of 30 to 45 years.

The number of neoplasms in the mammary gland is distinguished by the nodal and diffuse form of mastopathy. The first is characterized by the presence of single formations, the second - multiple lesions of the gland. Diffuse mastopathy can be fibrous, cystic and fibrous-cystic.

Fibrous form is characterized by the presence of seals from the fibrous (connective) tissue. For the cystic, the presence of multiple development cysts is characteristic. Fibrous-cystic mastopathy suggests the presence in the mammary gland of the formation of fibrous tissue and multiple cysts.

Mechanism of development of mastopathy

From the physiological point of view, the causes of nodal and diffuse (fibrous, cystic and mixed) breast mastopathy in women in the reproductive phase of life are easily explained. A monthly healthy female body under the influence of progesterone and estrogen undergoes certain changes. These hormones regulate both the menstrual cycle and the functioning of the mammary glands.

In the first phase of the cycle under the influence of the estrogen hormone in the mammary glands cells multiply. In the second phase of the cycle, this process is inhibited by the action of progesterone.

If there are any unfavorable factors, then in the body the balance of these two important hormones for women's health is violated in the direction of excessive production of estrogens. This, in turn, can not but affect the activity of the tissues of the mammary glands, where proliferative processes are intensified, and mastopathy develops.

Another global cause of mastopathy is the excessive production of prolactin , which is produced by the pituitary gland. Large amounts of prolactin in the normal body produces only during two periods in the life of a woman - pregnancy and lactation. Pathological is the situation where prolactin is secreted in excess beyond these periods. And this also leads to a disease like mastopathy.

Factors of development of mastopathy

As factors, that is, the immediate causes leading to hormonal imbalance, are called:

  1. Psychological problems. Long-term nervous tension, frequent stress, concern for the future can not but affect the hormonal background of a woman.
  2. Inflammation and swelling of the ovaries. The mammary gland is an integral part of the reproductive system. Therefore, the appearance of a malfunction in any of its elements necessarily affects the work of others (including mammary glands).
  3. Genetic predisposition.
  4. Diseases of the adrenal gland and thyroid gland, liver.
  5. Absence of breastfeeding, absence of pregnancies with subsequent childbirth until the age of 30.
  6. Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  7. Frequent abortions, which lead to gross violations in the hormonal system of the body of a woman who has already started reorganization in connection with pregnancy.
  8. Injuries of mammary glands.
  9. Iodine deficiency in the body.
  10. Irregular sex life.

The choice of methods of treatment of mastopathy depends on the form of the disease and the cause that led to its occurrence. It can be both medicamental and operative, but in any case it should begin with changes in the way of life and its perception by a woman.