How much should a new baby give?

New mums always have a lot of questions that concern the health of the child. One of the most common: how many times a day does the newborn have to cough? This issue is not unsettling for young mothers, because the child's chair indicates how his digestive system works, and whether the baby is short of food.

What is the norm?

It is wrong to compare your child with a child friend or neighbors. All children are individual: that for one will be the norm, then in relation to the other can become a cause for concern. Yes, even the same kid can recover 10 times a day, or can not croak a few days.

In many respects the frequency of stool in newborns depends on the type of feeding. Usually in infants who are breastfed, there are fewer disorders of the intestine and a multiplicity of stools in them from 1 to 7 times a day. Children on artificial or mixed feeding are usually less likely to go to the toilet - up to 4 times a day.

It is important to focus on what the overall well-being of the child is: whether he is calm, whether his tummy is soft, whether his appetite is good. It is also necessary to pay attention to the consistency of the stool. Normal is considered to be mushy or liquid, but hard is already a signal of a digestive disorder. About the disease can indicate mucus, lumps and, moreover, bloody veins. This is an excuse to contact the pediatrician.

Rare stool

If a newborn baby croaks a little, do not rush to worry. Even in a baby who is breastfed, the chair one day is the norm. But if the kid during the excrement excessively tuzhitsya, crying, the child is constipated. To solve the problem, it is necessary to use slack products (a few drops of decoction of flaxseed, vegetable oil, beet juice). In extreme cases, use an enema. Its size should be minimal - up to 30 ml. The water temperature of the filler is slightly warmer than room temperature.

Excellent helps with constipation massage tummy (hand to drive clockwise). Also periodically the baby should be laid out on the stomach, since the baby strains the muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the intestine.

Frequent stools

As already noted earlier, the newborn constantly pumps, so the frequent chair of the baby should not be the cause for the experience. If the newborn often croaks, then you should be concerned if there is an admixture, it foam , has a greenish color or a sharp-unpleasant smell. Especially if there is an increase in body temperature. It is likely that the baby has caught an intestinal infection or is lactose intolerant. In this case, you can not do without a specialist's advice! He will recommend the most effective remedy.

Be more attentive to your child, and you will soon easily learn to determine when he experiences discomfort.