How to determine the fat content of cottage cheese?

It is known that the average fat content of cheese and taste better and easier to digest his fellow non-fat, but when it comes to the use of cheese within a strict diet or cooking meals for children based on it, then use the following products with a reduced fat content. What is the fat content of the cottage cheese made and how to know it is not known by everyone. Of course, to check this at home with the laboratory accuracy without special equipment will not work, but you can calculate approximately without problems and yourself.

How to determine the fat content of homemade cottage cheese?

Determine the fat content of cottage cheese at home can only be if the initial fat content of milk is known.

Most consider the most useful cottage cheese from home-made milk, so it is his fatness to determine and advise. To do this, pour milk into the glass by 10 cm, and after 12 hours measure the amount of cream formed on the surface of the liquid, according to the plan, each millimeter is equal to 1% of fat content. With a reasonable position, this method is not very effective and gives a very, very long-term concept of the product of fat, because an error could be the diameter and the cup height, the room temperature, and with it the rate of creaming as well as tags on your line directly, as the case refers to millimeters. So, if it comes to milk, believe on the floor follows the seller, and then approximately verify the veracity of his words with this handicraft method. Particularly zealous can include milk in the laboratory - there with this task will cope without much trouble.

Now let's move to the point on how to determine the fat content of cottage cheese at home. From milk of known fat content we prepare cottage cheese according to any habitual scheme. At the same time we measure the initial mass of milk, as well as the mass of the resulting milk cottage cheese. We divide the weight of milk into the weight of cottage cheese, and multiply the received indicator by the fat content of the milk. The number in the result will be the percentage of fat content of your cottage cheese. For less accurate indicators, you can calculate the fat content of cottage cheese based on the fact that when folding the milk, its fat content doubles. Thus, a liter of milk of 3% fat content after folding turns into a half liter of cottage cheese with a fat content of six percent. Again, if reliability is extremely important, use the services of the laboratory, or buy ready-made cottage cheese, the fat content of which was calculated accurately and indicated on the package.