RFMC in pregnancy

As is known, during the gestation of a child in the female body, the so-called third cycle of circulation - the uteroplacental system - is formed. As a result, the volume of circulating blood sharply increases, which in turn leads to increased stress on the cardiovascular system of a woman.

The physiological features of pregnancy described above lead to an increase in RNMC. By this abbreviation it is customary to understand in medicine soluble fibrin-monomer complexes. Let's take a closer look at this indicator and tell you what to do if RFMK is raised during pregnancy.

How does the level of RFMC change during pregnancy?

By fibrin-monomer complexes are meant thrombus particles that appear in the bloodstream in the development of a disorder such as thrombosis. To prevent its occurrence, a study is conducted to determine the level of this indicator in the blood of a pregnant woman.

Most often, as a result of an analysis of RFMK during pregnancy, it is slightly elevated. This is due to the fact that during the period of bearing the baby in the woman's body, the blood coagulation system is activated. Thus, the body tries to protect itself from the possibility of developing bleeding, which is often observed during pregnancy.

If we talk about the norms of RFMC during pregnancy, then they are set for a week. In other words, each indicator has its own characteristic. However, it should be noted that there are so-called boundaries, the excess of which indicates a violation.

Thus, the average indices of the level of SMRM fluctuate within the range of 3.38-4.0 mg / 100 ml. However, during pregnancy, the level of this indicator can rise to 5.1 mg / 100 ml, which is the upper limit of the norm.

What should I do if RFMK is upgraded?

Quite often, many future mothers, having learned that they have elevated RFMC during pregnancy, are interested in what this threatens the baby and his health.

In itself, the fact of an increase in this parameter does not affect the condition of the baby and the pregnant woman. However, this indicates that the probability of thromboembolism is increased. In other words, the risk of clogging of blood vessels with a blood clot increases, which can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and lead to its interruption.

If pregnancy is increased, doctors think about how to reduce it. In such cases, as a rule, therapeutic measures are performed with the appointment of anticoagulants.

Thus, it is necessary to say that the level of RFMC during pregnancy should always correspond to the norms whose indices vary in terms of trimesters.