Phytolax bar

Phytolax is a remedy for constipation. It is a biologically active additive that supports the functions of the intestine. It is produced in the form of bars. You can buy them in almost any pharmacy. They are produced without a doctor's prescription, since dietary supplements are not a medicinal product.

Composition and action of the Phytolax bar

The composition of the Phytolax bar includes natural ingredients that are of vegetable origin. He has:

The Phytolax bar contains no artificial preservative or colorant. It is shown to all who have a tendency to constipation and atony of the intestine, as it contributes to the laxative effect. In addition, due to the seeds of plantain and dill, Phytolax has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, and also increases the secretion of digestive glands. This dietary supplements can help with both spastic and atonic constipation . It also eliminates unpleasant rumblings.

Laxative bars Phytolax promotes strengthening of peristalsis, helping the intestines to be emptied regularly, but they do it very gently. You can consume them no more than 2 pieces per day. The course of admission is 1 week, but if necessary, it is allowed to repeat it periodically. Before taking a bar of Phytolax, you need to drink a glass of plain water. The result of the effect of dietary supplements manifests itself approximately 8 hours after ingestion.

Phytolax is widely used in the prevention of various diseases of the rectum (indigestion and dyspepsia) and diseases that arise due to strong constipation (skin allergies, nervous system disorders, bladder and liver disorders). They are inexpensive, they are convenient to use, but the most important thing is that after receiving them, there are no various negative consequences that are typical for the majority of synthetic drugs targeted at rapid elimination of constipation.

Contraindications to the use of the Phytolax bar

Phytolax from constipation can apply almost everything, because the composition of the bar is completely natural. Contraindications include only individual intolerance to its components.

A bar of Phytolax is forbidden for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that this dietary supplement can increase the uterine tone, and this will lead to premature birth or provoke a miscarriage. During lactation, it is also better for a woman not to take these bars.