Fetal heart rate at 12 weeks

Fetal heart rate is an important indicator not only of the cardiovascular system, but of the entire developing little man. The lack of oxygen and nutrients in the first place, is reflected in the change in the heart rate of the fetus. The fetal heart rate at the gestation period of 12 weeks can be determined only with ultrasound examination, and at a later date (after 24 weeks) for this purpose is used obstetric stethoscope for pregnant women and cardiotocography.

Features of development and functioning of the heart of the embryo

The cardiovascular system is formed in the embryo as quickly as the nervous system, ahead of the formation of other organs and systems. Thus, the division of the zygote leads to the formation of a number of cells, which, divided into 2 layers, are twisted into a tube. From the inner part protrusion is formed, which is called the primary cardiac loop. Further, it rapidly increases and lies to the right, which is the pledge of the left-sided position of the heart in this child at birth.

At 4 weeks of pregnancy in the lower section of the formed loop appears the first contraction - this is the beginning of the contractions of a small heart. Active development of the heart and major vessels occurs from 5 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. Correct development of the cardiovascular system is very important for further histo- and organogenesis.

The fetal heart rate at 12 weeks of pregnancy is normally 130-160 beats per minute and is unchanged until birth. Bradycardia less than 110 beats per minute or tachycardia above 170 beats per minute is a signal that the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen or the effects of intrauterine infection .

Thus, having considered the features of the development of the cardiovascular system of the fetus, we can conclude that the success of the formation of other organs and systems directly depends on the quality of the formed heart and blood vessels.