Treatment of a cold in pregnancy

Runny nose in pregnant women is common and can be caused by various reasons. Often, the chronic rhinitis worsens during pregnancy, because immunity in this period is reduced. For the same reason, the expectant mother can easily catch a cold. However, no matter what the cause caused the discharge from the nose and difficulty breathing, treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy is necessary. After all, this harmless for an ordinary person disease can adversely affect the development of the fetus in the womb.

Suddenly, sneezing and streams from the nose can signal an allergic rhinitis during pregnancy. Especially often this happens in the spring, in the midst of flowering. If a fever is added to the cold, cough and headache - it is already about the virus. If this is the case, treatment should begin without delay. Rhinitis with blood during pregnancy can be even a variant of the norm, and is associated with weakening of blood vessels. However, with any form of cold you should consult a doctor. The specialist will establish the cause, explain what the pregnant can get from the cold, and what can not and will appoint the most suitable remedy. Self-medication in this situation is very dangerous.

Treatment of a cold in pregnancy

Standard vasoconstrictive drops during pregnancy are contraindicated. Typically, doctors recommend drugs based on salt solutions, for example, "Dolphin" or "Saline". Homeopathic remedies are widely used (Euforbium compositum), as well as treatment with folk methods.

How can you cure a runny nose when pregnant with folk remedies?

Inhalation from a cold in pregnancy

A harmless and sufficiently effective treatment is inhalation. You can use not only a special inhalator, but also improvised means, for example, to breathe on a kettle. In the water it is good to add a teaspoon of soda and a drop of essential oil, which you do not have allergies.

You also need to know that treating a cold in pregnancy with thermal procedures is contraindicated if you have a fever. In this situation, only cold inhalations using essential oils will do.

Consequences of the common cold depending on the gestational age

Rhinitis in the early stages of pregnancy, if it is accompanied by other symptoms of the virus, is very dangerous. In the first trimester, and the basic organs of the baby develop, therefore the probability of pathologies of their development is increased. If when you catch a cold in the pregnancy of the 2nd trimester has already begun, the baby's organs are already formed and now only their growth occurs. The disease at this time is less critical, but taking medication that is forbidden during pregnancy can still affect the placenta, so it's worth to be very careful. Runny nose during pregnancy is used for the third trimester by conventional means based on salt. If it is accompanied by a cold, it can complicate the course of labor.