How to water pepper in a greenhouse?

Correct watering of pepper in the greenhouse is able to ensure good yield. It is also important to maintain an acceptable level of air humidity inside the greenhouse, which would not affect the plants negatively. Some varieties from increased humidity die. About how much and how often it is necessary to water pepper in the greenhouse - let's talk in our article.

Types of watering in the greenhouse

Let us first consider what types of irrigation are applicable in greenhouses, in order to apply this knowledge in future when considering questions about the number and frequency of irrigation.

So, there are several options for watering in the greenhouse:

  1. Automatic irrigation is an irrigation system that turns on and off automatically. It presupposes the availability of special equipment, controlled from a console or a pulp-and-paper machine (centralized power supply). In the greenhouse, sensors are installed, which are set for a certain period of time and themselves turn on and turn off the irrigation system.
  2. Mechanical watering is not as perfect as automatic watering . You will have to work on adjusting the head and ensuring a constant supply of water to the structure. But then you do not have to do anything: by correctly placing the pipes and installing droppers on them, and also connecting all this to the water supply system (well, borehole or centralized pipe), you will get autonomous watering, which you do not need to monitor and do manual work.
  3. Manual watering - this method is known to all. For him you need to get watering cans, buckets and other containers. Sometimes the hose is still used, but there must be a scattering nozzle on it, so that the roots do not wash out the water.

How to water the pepper in a greenhouse?

In most cases, pepper in greenhouses is watered using an automatic irrigation system. And in this case, you need to correctly calculate the daily need for pepper seed. This is important, because there are several options for automatic irrigation. How to water peppers in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate:

They differ not only in the quality of the pipes used, but also in the nozzles. Intrasoil irrigation, by the way, is not too common for pepper, since not all varieties are particularly hygrophilous. The most acceptable system is a drop system. It is economical in terms of water consumption, with the help of special nozzles water is dosed directly to the ground near the stem of the plant, so that excess moisture is not wasted, as in the rain system. Moreover, excessive moisture is harmful to pepper.

How often to pour pepper in a greenhouse in the heat?

Even if the heat is high, pouring the pepper more often than once every 2 days is not recommended, since the aphids can form aphids, and the roots can rot, which is why the whole plant spoils.

For the entire growing season, pepper consumes 300-800 liters of water per 1 m & sup2 of occupied space. At the very beginning of growth, after planting, the watering rate is less than in the period of fruiting. Generally, Daily rates range from 15 to 30 liters of water per square meter.

To water, of course, you need warm water, the temperature of which is in the interval between +18 to + 25 ° C. Watering should be in sufficient quantities, as a lack of moisture leads to stiffness of the stems, chopping fruits and to a decrease in yields in general.

In addition to watering, the so-called "dry watering" is used - loosening of the land. This allows oxygen to penetrate to the roots of plants and improve their condition.

Also, do not forget about timely feeding , because in poor soil, even with proper watering, good results are useless.