Low-grown perennials, blooming all summer long

The end of spring - the middle of autumn - is the period when gardeners, truck farmers and gardeners have a lot of work on their household plots. It is necessary to ensure to their families a good harvest of fruits, berries, vegetables. But what about the appearance of the yard itself? Spending the time for planting, pruning, transplanting flowers is irrational, but do not let the site become a wasteland or grow grass? In this case, undersized perennials, blooming all summer, are a real salvation. Planted on the plot of such plants once, you for a few years, relieve yourself of the need to make changes to the design of the site. Caring for perennial undersized garden flowers and shrubs for cottages is simple, as they are unpretentious and at the same time very beautiful.

Top 10 perennials for summer cottages

  1. Astratsiya . If you choose to decorate flowerbeds with undersized perennial flowers, then you can not bypass this plant. A wide range of colors, including all shades of cream, white and pink in combination with the juicy green leaves, is such an impressive sight that no neighbor can pass by your house without looking back. From the beginning of June to the end of August, the space growing to a maximum of 40 centimeters in height will be blossoming. You just have to tear off the buds that have wilted, and once in seven years to transplant the plant to a new location.
  2. Salvia oakgrass . Flowers of this dwarf garden perennial will effectively decorate the site from May to the end of August. Due to the variety of varieties, you can create a romantic corner on the site, which is in the penumbra. Inflorescences of lavender, blue, purple, collected in tall candles, exude a subtle, breathtaking aroma. Height - from 35 to 70 centimeters
  3. Crenellate shrubby . Until the middle of October this plant blooms with delicate white flowers. Ideal solution for drained soil and group planting. But this beauty is quite demanding. To please the eye will be only at the proper level of illumination and humidity.
  4. Armeria seaside . Incredibly undemanding bush, blooming with fiery red, white, carmine-red and pink inflorescences. Its height rarely exceeds 20 centimeters, so a container landing or a rocky garden is the best place for a plant.
  5. Carnation herb. Pink-lilac or red inflorescences of this perennial are favorably shaded by green leaves. Soil fits fertile, easy, well drained. He likes sunny areas. It grows to heights of up to 30 centimeters.
  6. Anemone white (anemone) . The flowers of this perennial are spectacular and very attractive, the minimum care requirements. Flowers have five petals, diameter from 2 to 4 centimeters.
  7. Clear weather . Lovely velvet leaves in combination with purple or pink inflorescences look great on any site. The plant prefers wet soil with good drainage. The height reaches 35 centimeters, and blossoms pleases from spring to autumn.
  8. Flax is large-flowered. Ideal plant for group compositions. Charmingly light pink, dark red, red and apricot small flowers look in mixborders and along the curbs.
  9. Gaylardy Arizona san. Even a budding florist can grow this perennial. And the result will be a hardy, drought-resistant, unpretentious plant with bright red-orange-yellow flowers. It grows to 30 centimeters in height.
  10. Clematis . As a blooming all-summer, perennials are used varieties with double flowers, which from the beginning of June to the end of August pleases the eye. Florists give preference to clematis-lianas, which braid stones, posts, fences. If you do not cut the shoots, the lianate clematis can grow to 50 centimeters.

The variety of perennials that can be planted on the site is great. You can only choose the ones you want to watch all summer!