The Botanical Garden of Geneva

The Botanical Garden in Geneva , the most beautiful corner of nature, which is pleasant to visit after a bustling city bustle. The Botanical Garden was founded in 1817. In 1902 he was awarded the title of park.

What to see?

The area of ​​the Botanical Park extends to 28 hectares. There are many different colors and trees on it. More than 16 thousand specimens of plants perfectly feel in the park. The park bears the unofficial name of a living museum, because it is divided into distinct sections. Among them you can distinguish a garden of stones, an arboretum, a section with greenhouse plants, a bank of rare plants and a clearing with medicinal herbs.

On the territory of the garden there is a lake. On its shore there is a recreation area. Here you can relax and quietly view the surrounding views. The Geneva Botanical Garden has a research institute in which breeders breed new varieties of plants. For those who love science, the entrance to the laboratory and the library is open. In the library there are rare copies of books.

In the Botanical Garden there is a beautiful zoo, the conditions of keeping animals in it are as close to natural as possible. It can be called the only zoo in which species reproduce, for which in conditions of bondage - it is almost impossible. It contains a large number of rare birds and animals. Some of them are listed in the Red Book. Here are equipped aviary aviaries in which parrots and other exotic birds are kept. For the flamingos are organized special reservoirs. Roe deer and deer walk freely around the zoo territory, fearlessly taking food from the hands of people.

How to get there?

The territory of the Botanical Garden is equipped so that all visitors feel comfortable. There is a playground with a play area, so it's safe to say that this is an ideal place to relax with children . Nearby there is a cafe. There are also kiosks selling souvenirs.

It's easy to get to the garden - the Genève-Sécheron stop is nearby. By the way, near the Botanical Garden are the Palais des Nations and the Ariana Museum , which should also be included in the compulsory travel program for Geneva .