Rosemary - medicinal properties and contraindications

Many herbs that are widely used in cooking for a variety of taste and flavor of dishes are beneficial to the body. An example is rosemary, which has different healing properties and its use is quite justified in the recipes of folk medicine. To prepare a variety of broths, infusions and other means, it is customary to use the leaves of the plant and young shoots, which should be harvested during the flowering period. Popular in folk medicine uses essential oil of the plant.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications to rosemary

The plant includes various vitamins and minerals, which cause painkiller, sedative, choleretic, antibacterial and tonic effects.

Therapeutic properties of rosemary:

  1. Helps improve blood circulation, which allows you to get rid of accumulated toxic substances.
  2. It has an antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effect, which determines its ability to strengthen immunity.
  3. Positively affects the digestive system, helping to cope with eating disorders and digest heavy food.
  4. The substances that make up the plant explain the presence of the ability to fight the signs of premature aging associated with the malfunctioning of neurons.
  5. It acts on the body like drugs, whose action is aimed at alleviating the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease . The smell of rosemary positively affects brain activity, helping a person to better remember information.
  6. The smell of rosemary favorably affects the psychological state of a person, allowing you to cope with the symptoms of depression, anxiety, bad mood and headache.
  7. Infusion based on the plant has a moderate diuretic effect, so it is important for the normalization of kidney function, removal of bloating and improving the outflow of excess fluid.
  8. A plant is recommended for the treatment of liver diseases. Use the plant is to cleanse the body of toxic compounds.
  9. Thanks to the presence of antioxidants, it is effective to use rosemary in cosmetology. The extract of this plant is a part of various products, the action of which is aimed at improving the elasticity of the skin, removing rashes and rejuvenation.
  10. With the regular use of rosemary, you can improve the condition of the cardiovascular system.

Grass rosemary has not only healing properties, but contraindications that can not be ignored. For starters, it is important to consider that some people may have an individual intolerance, manifested as an allergy. Do not give rosemary to children who are not yet six years old. The plant is contraindicated for people who have high blood pressure. It is forbidden rosemary for gastrointestinal diseases with high acidity, as well as with convulsions and neuroses. Speaking about the beneficial properties and contraindications of rosemary, it is worth noting that it is useful for women who are in a position. It is forbidden to use the plant in the recipes of traditional medicine, and in the diet of nursing mothers. With excessive use of rosemary oil, allergies may occur, and when applied, not skin burns.

The magical properties of rosemary

This plant is considered an excellent amulet , which protects against various negative, including magical. It helps to protect yourself from troubles, insults and even lightning. Rosemary is a symbol of love, so it is often used in rituals to attract the other half, improve relationships, etc. Many esotericists and other people related to magic use plants as a powerful source of energy. With it, you can strengthen the aura and improve your intuition.