Perga - medicinal properties, how to take it right?

How to take the perga, which for its medicinal properties and the peculiarity of getting nicknamed bee bread, was known back in the old days. The modern vision is a little different from the past centuries, but the process of appearance of this substance became known for certain.

Thus, perg is the result of the activity of various honey bees and represents pollen grains laid in the base of honeycomb and sealed with liquid honey. In conditions of high humidity and lack of air, the cork is gradually germinated and after 15 days it becomes a high-grade protein product for feeding young animals. This is beeswax , one of the priceless healing properties of which is its complete sterility after fermented lactic acid.

Composition and benefit of Perga

The composition of the perga and its medicinal properties largely depend on which plant the pollen grains were harvested from, but there are always a lot of acids, fats, monosaccharides and essential micronutrients in it. By its usefulness, it is in the middle between flower and bee pollen and much better than the latter is absorbed by the body. Due to the stage of fermentation of lactic acid, peroxide is so decontaminated that, when taken orally, it practically does not cause allergic reactions (except for individual intolerance to honey and honey-containing products).

Perga has many useful properties that open up in the process of application. They can be divided into several groups:

  1. Help and prevention of problems with the intestines, stomach and pancreas, kidneys, liver, accelerated elimination of toxins.
  2. Improvement of various types of blood circulation, hematopoiesis, the state of the circulatory system and the work of the heart muscle.
  3. Strengthening of immunity before viral and bacterial infections, exposure to pollution from the environment.
  4. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Helps to stabilize the hormonal balance and positively affects the male and female reproductive system.
  6. Heals and rejuvenates the skin.


Perga has both tonic and healing properties, it can be taken in many cases. So, it is used inside with poisonings and intoxications, kidney diseases, serious problems with vision and the female reproductive system. Indications for receiving Perga can also be:

  1. Thrombosis, varicose veins, ischemia and heart failure.
  2. Leukemia and anemia (iron deficiency).
  3. Serious problems of the digestive tract (ulcer, gastritis, colitis).
  4. Diseases of the male genitourinary system.
  5. Necessity of treatment of endocrine, vegetative-vascular or nervous systems.
  6. Cases from the field of dermatology.
  7. ARI and other diseases of the respiratory system.
  8. It is recommended to take pergue also if the patient has depression, memory problems (acquired), decreased immunity and problems with digestion and, as a consequence, weight.

Admission and contraindications

Perga is usually taken in a natural (not a solution, not a mixture) form in a strictly defined dosage. Adults use it not more than 30 grams - 0.5 teaspoon per day. Children are less than a third or a quarter (in the recalculation of 80-100 mg per 1 kg of weight). In this case, the reception is preferably divided into 2-3 parts and carried out before meals by resorption under the tongue for better digestion by the stomach. As a rule, people use perga courses for 21-28 days with a break for 1 decade (10 days).

In addition to the medicinal properties of Perga, there are some peculiar contraindications. So, if the patient observes the standard daily regime (that is, is awake during the day, and at night - rests), after 18 hours the product is better not to take, as it tones.