Rabbits of the breed rex

It is believed that the appearance of the "king of beavers", as the name of the breed "castor rex" sounds in the translation, was accidental. One farmer among his Belgian giants had an interspecific mutation, and the rabbits turned out with an interesting short hair. The owner did not reject them, he was attracted by such cover, and he even made an attempt to consolidate the acquired quality hereditarily. Luck accompanied the Frenchman, and we now have very interesting rabbits of the breed of Rex, possessing a unique skin, unpretentious to the conditions of detention.

Description of breed rabbit rex

These animals can be classified as medium-sized meat-and-rabbit rabbits. These handsome men are composed quite harmoniously, they have an elongated oval body with a strong developed neck, and also a slightly extended head with a broad forehead. The length of the ears is usually up to 12 cm. Ripening is later, if the rabbit has 1.4 kg of weight by the age of three months, then by the age of 8 months it grows to 3.5 kg, after which its development slows noticeably. There are also dwarf rabbits of the Rex breed, which were recognized in 1988, they are of a miniature size and do not exceed 1.5-1.6 kg of weight. It is clear that this animal can not be called a meat breed and it is suitable only for breeding in indoor conditions. The decorative rex of the Rex breed (Mini Rex), thanks to its plush appearance and wonderful character, quickly becomes a favorite of children.

Although our heroes mature late, but they have another valuable value: a soft, wonderful fur with a special structure. The ostevoy and downy hair has almost the same length, which is 2 times shorter than the length of the hair in other animals. In appearance, such a thick, dense and velvety cover, it seems that the rex breed has only recently been sheared. It is no wonder that fur coats and other clothes from such a wonderful fur are in demand and always in price.

How to keep rabbits of the breed rex?

These animals do not require very complex cells and special adaptations, they are quite suitable for breeding in the farm of any farmer. It is advisable not to use a metal grid on the floor, it is best when it in the booths will be reechnic and have a litter of straw. Also do not forget about disinfection, which for prevention purposes is never superfluous. Infections of rabbits of the rex breed are also susceptible, so all necessary inoculations from myxomatosis and hemorrhagic disease should be performed on schedule, and also carry out treatments against helminths. A particular problem is the survival rate of rabbits, which are often low. The females lead up to 7 toddlers and the cattle breeder must carefully look after them, change the water and follow the litter of their wonderful rabbits of the Rex breed in a difficult period. Only then will he receive a qualitative litter capable of making a profit.